Showing posts with label retirement information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retirement information. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Most Popular Retirement Stories of 2017

Each December, the Baby Boomer Retirement blog looks back at the retirement news which captivated our readers the most during the preceding year.  The most popular retirement stories of 2017 ranged from financial concerns to the latest news on how to live a long, healthy life while remaining free of dementia.  One interesting new retirement community also made our list of top stories.

All of the major topics covered in the past year were important both to people who have already retired, as well as those who are still planning their retirement.  Below is a list of the most popular articles of 2017, with links so you can read the entire article for yourself.

If there are additional topics which may interest you, use the pull down menu or tabs at the top of this page to find links to almost 500 helpful articles, organized by topic.

2017 Most Popular Retirement Stories

How to Find Jobs Late in Life - Millions of Americans are discovering they simply cannot retire on Social Security and their savings alone.  When this happens, their best option in many cases is to find a job and continue working as long as possible.  This article contains both general tips for finding a retirement job, as well as links to specific sites where you can explore the available jobs or find job retraining opportunities.

Travel Scams to Avoid - One of the joys of retirement is the ability to travel whenever you want, without concern for your children's school schedule or similar issues.  However, older people are also more likely to be victimized by scammers. Learn about some of the most common travel scams and the steps you can take to avoid falling victim to them.

How to Live Longer - Add Years to Your Life - Although no one can guarantee that you will live to be 100 years old, there are some interesting traits which appear to be common in those with the greatest longevity.  Read the tips in this brief article and learn how to minimize your odds of dying an early death.

Social Security Myths and Misunderstandings - Have you been told that it is too late to save our nation's Social Security program and there will be no money left by the time you retire?  Do you think the problem is result of people living too long?  You may have become a victim of some of the myths and misunderstandings which are prevalent about Social Security.  Learn the truth and discover the practical suggestions Congress could enact in order to save the Social Security for yourself and future generations.

Tips for a Sharper Brain and Better Memory - What can you do to keep your brain sharp and fully functioning?  What are the cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure numbers you should strive to achieve?  Do you know the connection between good heart health and good brain health?  This article will help you understand what your lifestyle, health and diet goals should be if you want to maximize your memory and brain function.

Margaritaville Retirement Communities - Remember the Jimmy Buffett song "Margaritaville?"  Many Baby Boomers think of it as a great theme for their retirement.  Now, a developer in Florida is actually building a collection of retirement communities which have been designed around a Margaritaville theme.  Learn more about these communities in this article and decide if one of these retirement communities might be right for you.

Early Diagnosis of Dementia is Possible - Many people are surprised to learn that memory loss is NOT the first sign that someone could be developing dementia.  Some of the earliest symptoms are much more subtle, such as anxiety, aggression, apathy and poor impulse control, to name a few. Learn more about how to recognize that you or a loved one could be developing dementia, so early treatment can be started.

How to Retire without a Car - Most Americans dread the day when they might have to give up their car. It could happen because the expense becomes too much for you to handle on a retirement income, or you may develop health conditions which make it impossible for you to drive.  Whatever the reason, there are a variety of affordable alternatives to driving which would make it possible for you to continue to get around and enjoy your life, even without a car.

Opiod Addiction in Retirees - Every year, approximately one-third of all Medicare patients are prescribed opioid painkillers by their doctors.  As a result, millions of Americans over the age are 50 have begun abusing these dangerous drugs.  In fact, roughly 42 percent of all the opioid overdoses in the U.S. have happened to people over the age of 45.  Learn more about this health crisis, including the names of the most commonly prescribed opioids, so you can insist that your own physician does not put you on the dangerous road to addiction.

Short on Retirement Savings? - One-half of all Baby Boomers have saved less than $100,000 towards retirement.  One-third have less than $50,000.  To make matters worse, the average amount of Social Security benefits is less than $1400 a month.  This article contains a number of practical solutions for helping to solve your retirement income shortfall so your senior years can still be enjoyable.

Medicare and Cancer Benefits - Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment - If you are on Medicare and receive a cancer diagnosis, you may be worried about your insurance coverage.  This article was written by a Medicare insurance specialist and will help put your mind at ease, in most cases.

Vacation Timeshare Risks and Benefits - Millions of Americans own timeshares, with the number increasing every years.  Many time share owners appreciate the convenience of owning a "second home" without bearing the full burden of the annual expense and maintenance.  However, there are also disadvantages to timeshare ownership and they can be difficult to resell.  Learn more about timeshare ownership. 

How to Hire a Home Care Agency - Assuming you are fortunate enough to live a long life, it is likely that eventually you or someone in your family will need the services of a caregiver. What requirements should you look for in a home care agency?  What characteristics are important in the caregiver they send to your home?  This article will help you find a reputable agency and high-quality caregiver for yourself or someone you love.

If you are interested in learning more about financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, where to retire, common health problems and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

Watch for my book, Retirement Awareness:  10 Steps to a Comfortable Retirement, which is due to be released by Griffin Publishing in 2018.

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Photo credit:  Twitter photo of a senior Tai Chi class

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Most Popular Retirement Stories of 2015

Each year I compile a list of the most popular retirement articles on this blog for that year.  These are the individual articles that were read by hundreds or even thousands of people.  By listing them here, it gives readers the opportunity to make sure they did not miss one that would be particularly helpful to them.

Whether you are looking for the most important stories on where to retire, serious health issues or financial planning, these are the articles that attracted the most interest in 2015.

Here is your opportunity to go back and re-read the ones that you might find useful.

Popular Articles from 2015 

How to Have a Happy Marriage After Retirement - We all want to have a happy marriage.  However, when both a husband and wife retire and go from leading independent lives to being together nearly 24 hours a day, a great deal of stress can be put on the relationship.  No wonder this was the most popular retirement story of 2015.

Senior Discounts You Will Love! - We all want to save money, especially when we are living on a fixed income.  Learn how to take advantage of senior discounts, no matter where you live.

Why Millennials Resent Baby Boomers - Many Baby Boomers wonder why they have an uncomfortable relationship with the young adults in their lives.  This article will be very eye-opening and could help you engage in productive conversations with them.

The Baby Boomer Body Maintenance Plan - Most Baby Boomers want to stay healthy as long as they can.  This maintenance plan contains some of the information you will need to take care of yourself.

Free Tax Preparation Help - Did you know that most low and middle income U.S. senior citizens are qualified to receive free tax preparation help?  This article explains how to access this service in your own community.

Where to Retire in the U.S. on Social Security Alone - It is no secret that some parts of the U.S. are much more affordable than others.  If you are going to live on the average amount of Social Security in the U.S., then you need to know the locations where you can afford to live the most comfortably.  This article will help you choose the right place for you.

TIA Mini Strokes - Transient Ischemic Attacks - A surprising number of people experience a TIA each year.  Unfortunately, they can also lead to more serious problems.  Learn how to recognize the symptoms so you can get treated as soon as possible.

How to Prevent Colon Cancer - Did you know that the vast majority of colon cancers could be prevented?  Sadly, far too many people do not take the simple preventive measures that could save their lives.  Once you read this, there will be no more excuses.

Affordable California Coastal Retirement Communities - Have you ever dreamed of retiring somewhere along the coast of California? While most of the well-know beach communities are far out of reach of the average person, there are small towns near the coast where people could rent or buy a place to live at prices that are comparable to other parts of the U.S.  Check out this list.  Perhaps one of them could work for you.

Health Benefits of Holiday - We all know that there are dangers from the holidays ... eating too much, gaining weight, money worries and stress.  However, did you also know there are also health benefits?  Sometimes it is good to focus on the positive.

How to Draw Down Retirement Assets - If you are about to retire, how much money can you afford to take from your retirement savings each year and still feel confident your assets will last the rest of your life?  This article will help you make those calculations.

Loneliness and Isolation During Retirement - One of the most serious problems for retirees is that a large percentage of them become lonely and isolated.  However, it doesn't have to be that way.  There are ways to stay active and involved all over the United States.  This article will help you find the help you need and activities you will enjoy.

Update on the UCI 90+ Study at Laguna Woods Village - For over 30 years, the University of California in Irvine has been studying a group of retirees who live in the nearby retirement community of Laguna Woods Village. Some of those people have lived to be in their 90s or even over 100 years old. Why did some people live longer than the others?  Which ones got dementia and which ones kept their memories?  Are there steps you can take to increase the changes that you will be able to live to your 90s and be free of dementia?  Learn more about their research in this article.

If you are interested in learning more about where to retire, financial planning, common medical issues and changing family relationships, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional articles.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What To Expect After You Retire

Recently, the checker at my local grocery store told me that she was old enough to retire now and that she had moved into a condo in the same retirement community where I live.  However, she confided that she was very nervous about giving up her job.  She said she didn't know what to expect.

This seems to be a common concern for many people who retire.  Although most of the people I know are happy that they gave up their jobs, I have also known several who returned to their old occupations or found a new one, within a year or two of retiring.

As a result, I thought it was time to write a post to let people know what they can expect after retirement.  The fewer surprises you have, the happier you are likely to be.

You Still Have to Pay Attention to Money After Retirement

Just because you have stopped working and stopped contributing to a retirement plan, it does not mean that you can stop thinking about your finances.  You will need to continue to pay attention to how you spend money and how your retirement funds are invested.  You also need to make sure that you have realistic expectations of your potential return on your investments and how much you can withdraw each year in order to make sure your money lasts the rest of your life.

Statistics show that widows, in particular, often (but not always) go through their assets faster than they should.  Everyone should consult with a financial adviser periodically to make sure they are still spending their money in a realistic manner and they remain on track for their assets to last the rest of their lives.

On the other hand, spending down your retirement savings can be emotionally and psychologically painful for some people.  After spending years, or possibly decades, putting together a nice nest egg, it can be hard to see it shrink as the years go by.  If you are on a reasonable disbursement plan, such as using 4% of your assets each year, you may still have to give yourself permission to spend your money down!

No matter how critical you were of the Social Security program prior to retirement, it is likely to be a significant source of income for you after you retire.   Approximately 86% of retirees will receive Social Security.  Social Security makes up about 90% of retirement income for roughly one-third of retirees.  It makes up at least 50% of the income of 65% of retires.   The average benefit at the end of 2014 was $1,282.

Another financial concern you will have is making sure you know how you will cover your medical expenses.  Basic Medicare does not cover routine eye exams, eyeglasses, contact lenses, dental care or hearing aids.  In addition, it only covers 100 days in a nursing home.  Retirees really need to investigate the best Medicare supplemental plans, Medicare Advantage plans and long-term insurance plans to make sure the money they have set aside to cover medical expenses will go as far as possible.  In addition, they may need to keep some liquid assets on hand to cover deductibles and co-pays each year.

Loneliness Is An Issue for Many Retirees

Retirement is not always the way it is depicted on television and in movies.  Many retirees will not spend their Golden Years surrounded by children and grandchildren, enjoying leisurely Sunday dinners with their extended family, as depicted on shows like "Blue Bloods."

About 44% of people over the age of 65 are living alone because they are widowed, divorced, separated or never married.   As they get older, the percentage of people living alone goes up.  As a result, the average senior over the age of 75 watches more than four hours of television a day.  Many seniors watch significantly more television than that or spend additional hours playing computer games or engaged in other solitary activities.

To counteract the loneliness, it is important that you find group activities you enjoy and get involved with them as soon as possible after you retire.  This could mean signing up for classes, joining clubs, attending church, scheduling regular lunch or dinner dates with friends, volunteering or getting a "fun" job.   You need to reach out to your friends and neighbors on a regular basis, especially if you live alone.

You Might Start Dating Again

Much to their surprise, single retirees often discover that they want to date.  It can be fun and exciting to be involved in a romantic relationship again, and it can do a lot to minimize any loneliness you may be experiencing.  Our community television station has even begun to broadcast our own local version of "The Dating Game."  One of the former writers for the original "Dating Game" lives in our community and, when he offered to organize a show for our community, his idea was enthusiastically embraced.  Over 250 people showed up the first time they held auditions to appear on the show ... and it is only open to the people who live in this community!

It is possible you will meet people you want to date through some of the classes or clubs you enjoy.  It has also become more common for seniors to meet someone through an online dating site, like (see the ad in the sidebar) which is specifically designed for people over the age of 50.  On these sites, you should be honest about your age and use photos that show the "real" you.  You are more likely to end up in an healthy relationship.   

One warning:  Immediately drop any online relationships the minute the other person begins to mention that they need money ... no matter how worthy the cause.  Tens of thousands of elderly people have lost thousands of dollars to scammers who form relationships and then ask for money.  Other than that, just use your common sense ... go slow, meet in public places and take someone else with you until you feel comfortable. In addition, if you are computer savvy enough to engage in online dating, you should be computer savvy enough to do an online background check of any person you consider dating.

Many seniors have found a new chance at love when they open themselves up to dating again and it can be a lot of fun!

You Probably Will Not Move Very Far

While many seniors think they would like to move to a new, exotic location, the truth is that only 5.7% of Americans over the age of 65 moved between 2009 and 2013.  Most of those who did relocate, usually moved only a short distance.  Only about 1% of retirees moved to a new state.  Approximately 0.3% moved overseas.

Most senior citizens want to maintain their current support system ... continuing to belong to the same church and clubs, seeing the same doctors, shopping in the same stores, etc.  It is comforting to feel that you will not need to rebuild these relationships somewhere else.

Downsizing, finding a one-story home, moving into a retirement community or senior apartments can be a smart decision for many retirees.  As a result, it can be a good idea to start your search for a retirement home near the community where you currently live.  

Accept That Someday You Will Need Help

One of the most difficult realities that most people have to accept is that someday they will probably need help of some kind.  They may reach a point when they can no longer drive, grocery shop, cook, maintain their home, shovel snow, climb stairs or perform similar everyday activities.  They may even live long enough that they will need help performing basic personal tasks like dressing or bathing.

While paying for people to help you can be a financial concern, living long enough to reach this stage in your life can also cause depression and other emotional difficulties.  Many people postpone moving into an assisted living facility long past the time when it would have made their life much more comfortable.  It will make life easier for both you and your family when you accept that this is a natural stage of aging and it is OK to get help when you need it.

Despite Everything, Retirement Can Be FUN

Does it sound like retirement could be lonely and depressing?  The point of this post is that it does NOT have to be.  If you know what to expect and prepare yourself financially, emotionally and psychologically, you can have a lot of fun after you retire.

The key here is YOU.

It is up to you to make sure you have prepared financially, you have made appropriate adjustments to your lifestyle, you have chosen the right Medicare plan to meet your needs, and you have investigated ways to pay for long-term care when you need it.

In addition, you want to be sure that you have built up a network of doctors, friends, family members, and financial consultants whom you trust.

Join clubs, sign up for classes, build friendships, schedule social events and participate in activities that you enjoy.  Enjoy your free time.  Read a book, take a walk, eat leisurely meals, play with your grandkids. 

Take occasional trips, even if it is no more than a short commuter train ride to visit a relative for a few days.  The change of scenery will do you good.

When I look around at the people I know in my current retirement community, many of whom are well into their 90's, the ones who knew what to expect in retirement and took steps to make sure they were prepared, are still having a wonderful time, years after they stopped working.  It is up to you to make sure this is true for your retirement years, too!

If you are interested in getting more information to help you prepare for retirement, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this article.  Those index articles will connect you to hundreds of other articles about retirement.

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Photo credit:  Photo taken by author, Deborah-Dian; all rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Benefit for Readers of

I am delighted to let my readers here at know that I have just been selected to be the official Retirement Contributor for the online magazine known as Squidoo, one of the top 250 websites in the United States.  In that capacity, I will be writing articles and reviewing books about retirement, aging, financial planning and related topics for the readers of Squidoo.  This added opportunity will in no way affect the articles that I will continue to write exclusively for my readers here.  In fact, it will give me even more opportunities to provide you with useful information.

As an extra benefit for my blog readers, I've decided that I will add an additional post each week, providing direct links to those Squidoo articles that I think will interest my readers here, whether I have written those articles or not. It may be a link to an article or retirement book review that I have written for Squidoo, or it might be a link to an article written by either the Squidoo Health & Aging Contributor or the Squidoo Alzheimers and Dementia Contributor.  You will have even more access to experts in a variety of fields, simply by following this blog.

The short posts containing a Squidoo article link will be in addition to the normal weekly posts that I will continue to write exclusively for the readers of  My only hope is that you will find that the Squidoo articles are an additional source of useful information.

Today's link is my introduction as the official Retirement Contributor to the readers of Squidoo.  This week's Squidoo article also contains links to a variety of helpful Amazon books and other Squidoo articles that may interest you.  Here's the link:   "I'm The 'Retired and Loving It' Contributor on Squidoo."

The Squidoo articles are completely free, so enjoy this extra weekly bonus link to the articles that I think will interest you.  My normal weekly posts will continue to show up regularly, a few days after each bonus post.

Have fun with this new resource!

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(Photo credit:  Photo is property of author, Deborah-Diane; all rights reserved.)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Fifteen Most Popular Retirement Stories of 2013

Every year I compile a list of my most popular posts of the year.  This year's list includes topics ranging from statistics about Baby Boomers and information about long term care insurance, as well as a wide variety of different choices of appealing places to retire.  In fact, Boomers seem to be more interested in finding the right place to live than in any other topic.  Below is the list of the most popular retirement stories for 2013, beginning with my most popular post of all, "Lake Ashton, Florida Active Adult Community" (with nearly 9000 views in its first few months after publication).

In addition, look for more articles on similar topics in the coming year.  Already in the works for the first two months of the year is a list of important dates you will need to know in 2014, where to find stimulating second careers, an article about the best city for Americans who want to retire in Guatemala, as well as other retirement options for retirees, plus things to consider if you are planning to live in another country.

Meanwhile, make sure you have checked out these stories that attracted large audiences over the past year.  You can click on the individual titles that interest you if you wish to be linked directly to them.

Most Popular Retirement Stories of 2013

Lake Ashton Florida Active Adult Community

The Forbes List of Top Retirement Cities

Advantages and Disadvantages of Over 55 Retirement Communities

Ten Ways to Make Money After Retirement

Golf Cart Friendly Retirement Communities

Fascinating Statistics about Baby Boomers

Over 55 Retirement Communities by Del Webb

What If You Can't Afford to Retire?

Over 55 Retirement Communities by Four Seasons

Alternatives to Long Term Care Insurance

Age in Place Villages Provide Resources in Your Neighborhood

Senior Living in a Med Cottage or Granny Pod

Should You Move or Age in Place When You Retire?

More Places to Retire Overseas

Lennar, Pulte and Centerline Multigenerational Homes

If you are retired or planning to retire soon, you may also want to use the tabs at the top of this page to find links to hundreds of additional articles about places to retire in the United States or overseas, financial issues to consider, medical concerns, and changing family relationships.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Eight Popular Retirement Stories from the Past

This article is intended to promote popular retirement stories from a few years ago.  Most of them are still relevant today.  Since this site has gained so many new followers since these articles were written, some of these timely stories may have been overlooked by our newer readers.

Generally, the most popular topics on this blog deal with finding a place to retire, making the most of our retirement income, maintaining our health and reaching out to our extended family. 

With these thoughts in mind, here are the most popular stories from 2011.  I thought this would be a good time of year to bring these articles to the attention of any readers who may have missed them.

Popular Retirement Stories

Cheap Places to Retire

Looking for an affordable location for your retirement years?  Here is a list of ten of the cheapest places to live in the United States.  While the prices may have risen slightly since this article was originally written, these communities are still less expensive than many places in our country.

Finding the Best Places to Retire

What are your criteria for good places to retire?  Are you looking for a low crime rate and a reasonable cost of living?  CNN produced a list of ten spots they thought were great retirement locations based on criteria they thought were important.  See if their list matches yours.

Prevent a Broken Bone or Hip Fractures

Every year about 300,000 people over the age of 65 fall and break their hips.  More than 20% of them will die as a result of these preventable accidents.  Learn what you can do to stay safe in your home.  This article could save your life or the life of someone you love.

Living on Social Security in the US

Don't have any retirement savings to supplement your Social Security benefits?  Don't despair.  Here is a list of ten communities where the average household income is about the equivalent of the amount the typical couple receives in Social Security benefits.  With a little planning, it is possible to survive on you Social Security.

Crafts to do with Your Grandkids

Looking for some fun activities to do with your grandkids?  One website I have found is which is full of easy to do projects such as homemade ornaments, jewelry and t-shirts.  Time you spend with your grandkids is time well spent, and this article is a good place to start.

Work From Home and Make Money

A number of Baby Boomers are facing retirement with less retirement income than they had anticipated.  Many of the retirees I know are supplementing their retirement income with little businesses they can manage from home.  For many people, earning anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to a thousand dollars a month can make a huge difference in the quality of their retirement.  Here are some ideas to get you started.

Have a Long Life and Live to 100

How long are you likely to live?  Did you know that there are specific factors that seem to make a real difference in your life expectancy?  Check this article out and see if simple life changes could extend your life.  You will find other articles on people who live to be over 90 in the Medical section of this blog.

Copy a Photo Album for a Unique Gift

Trying to think of a special gift that will be treasured by your adult children or grandchildren?  This article contains instructions on how to put together copies of your favorite albums and share them with other members of your family.  Our daughters have cherished the photo albums we have shared with them.

The archives of this blog are full of other articles that you may find interesting and useful.  I hope you will take the time to browse through them and explore other topics of benefit to you.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Do You Hope to Retire?

One of the biggest concerns of millions of Baby Boomers is how they can afford to retire.   With 10,000 or more Baby-Boomers turning 65 every single day, our generation is beginning to be called a senior tsunami.  My husband and I are perfect examples.

Now that I am 69, and my husband is 73, we thought we would both be retired by now. However, life has thrown us a few more curves than we expected. While I retired at age 64, my husband is still working as an investment advisor.  Even with his financial background, the reality of trying to maintain or lifestyle is a challenge.

It's obvious to us that Social Security will not provide enough money for us to retire ... at least not in California! We have some stocks in our IRA, but they do not produce enough income to replace what he has traditionally earned over the years. Considering how low interest rates and dividends currently are, we do not feel that we have enough assets in reserve for both of us to cut loose from our jobs and assume we will be OK for the next 20 or 30 years.

When we look back at how much the cost of things have increased during the last few decades, we worry that our current assets would not cover our future expenses.  In addition, like many Baby Boomers, we worry that Social Security could be cut in the future, since Congress has not addressed the coming shortfall in the Social Security reserves.

What to Expect from

In this blog, which I began in 2011, you can join my husband, friends and I as we explore some of the actions we have taken or plan to take in order to retire.

In addition, you will find articles which explore retirement communities in the United States and abroad, additional sources of retirement income, ways to save money, and issues such as health problems, financial planning, grey divorce, Alzheimers, senior alcoholism, Social Security, Medicare and depression in retirement.

I welcome comments, ideas, and suggestions that readers would like to share with others who are also trying to figure things out. Many of the comments left by my readers have inspired me to write articles about their questions or suggestions.  It seems that we Baby Boomers have spent our lives trying get things figured out, haven't we?

The quest continues right into our slightly tarnished Golden Years.

My goal is to continue to write and build this blog for the remainder of my life ... since we Baby Boomers are going to continue to have an effect on society for decades to come.

Our retirement is going to be a thrilling ride, and I invite you to join me in exploring our options.

If you are looking for information on specific retirement topics, including where to retire in the United States or overseas, medical issues that might affect us, financial planning, changing family relationships and more, please use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this page for links to hundreds of additional articles.

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Photo credit:  Photo of author is property of Deborah-Diane; all rights reserved.