Showing posts with label popular retirement articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label popular retirement articles. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Most Popular Retirement Stories of 2016

As we look back over the past year, it is interesting to review the most popular retirement stories of 2016 which were covered by the Baby Boomer Retirement blog.  There were a wide range of topics that appealed to Baby Boomers this year including an overview of Social Security and Medicare, information about voice therapy, longevity tips, housing choices, painkiller addictions, social media scams, family relationships, Alzheimers research and how to earn extra money.

All of these are topics of importance to those who have already retired, as well as those who are preparing to retire.  Below are links to the most popular retirement articles of the past year, as well as more details about the information they contain.  Just click on the links to go directly to the articles which interest you.

2016 Most Popular Retirement Stories

Social Security and Medicare Information - This is an overview article which contains links to a number of other articles that cover many of the questions people have about maximizing Social Security benefits, getting the maximum benefit from Medicare, and more.

Voice Therapy for Senior Citizens - Many people begin to discover that their voices become faint, sore or hoarse as they age.  Senior citizens may believe there is nothing they can do about these problems; however, there are therapies which can improve the quality of their voices.  Learn more about the types of therapies available.

Longevity Tips from Time Magazine - Do you want to live a healthy life as long as possible?  Here are the most current tips that will increase your chances of maximizing the number of years you have left.

Reata Glen and Other CCRCs in Orange County, California - Continuing Care Retirement Communities are becoming increasingly popular with aging senior citizens, especially those who do not have long-term care insurance.  Learn more about them, including specific information about the ones in Orange County, California.

Risks of Social Media Phishing - Social media such as Facebook are popular ways of staying in touch with our family and friends.  However, some of the games and other apps can be used to obtain your personal information.  In addition, when you use Twitter or Facebook to contact the customer service offices of companies, you could be contacting a fake site. Learn more about dangerous social media phishing and how to protect yourself.

Best Senior Housing Choices for Aging Boomers - What are some of the housing choices people have as they age?  This article explains the various options and how they might fit your lifestyle.

Senior Living Communities for Baby Boomers - Information about the types of senior living communities which could appeal to aging Baby Boomers.

Dangerous Prescription Painkillers Addictions: Opiods - Opiod painkiller addiction has become an increasingly serious problem for senior citizens.  Many people who never dreamed they could become addicts, discover that they have slipped into this overwhelming situation after surgery or other painful treatments. 

How to Overcome Resistance to Assisted Living - Do you have an aging spouse or parent who needs to move into an assisted living or memory care facility?  Do they oppose the move?  This article may help you reduce their resistance and help them become more accepting of the idea.

New Alzheimers Disease Research - Alzheimers and other forms of dementia are some of the most feared consequences of aging.  Learn more about the research which is being done and how these dreaded diseases could become less common in the future.

Earn Extra Money from the Sharing Economy - Would you like to use your home, your car, your garage or your talents in order to earn a little extra money?  Learn how easy it can be to join the "sharing economy" and supplement your retirement income.

Family Relationships - How to Stop Arguments - Do you feel stressed when you spend time with your family over the holidays or on other special occasions?  This article will give you tips on how to reduce the tension and, in many cases, stop family arguments in their tracks.  

If you are interested in reading more retirement information, use the tabs or pull-down menus at the top of this page to find links to hundreds of additional articles about where to retire, financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, common medical problems and more.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Eight Popular Retirement Stories from the Past

This article is intended to promote popular retirement stories from a few years ago.  Most of them are still relevant today.  Since this site has gained so many new followers since these articles were written, some of these timely stories may have been overlooked by our newer readers.

Generally, the most popular topics on this blog deal with finding a place to retire, making the most of our retirement income, maintaining our health and reaching out to our extended family. 

With these thoughts in mind, here are the most popular stories from 2011.  I thought this would be a good time of year to bring these articles to the attention of any readers who may have missed them.

Popular Retirement Stories

Cheap Places to Retire

Looking for an affordable location for your retirement years?  Here is a list of ten of the cheapest places to live in the United States.  While the prices may have risen slightly since this article was originally written, these communities are still less expensive than many places in our country.

Finding the Best Places to Retire

What are your criteria for good places to retire?  Are you looking for a low crime rate and a reasonable cost of living?  CNN produced a list of ten spots they thought were great retirement locations based on criteria they thought were important.  See if their list matches yours.

Prevent a Broken Bone or Hip Fractures

Every year about 300,000 people over the age of 65 fall and break their hips.  More than 20% of them will die as a result of these preventable accidents.  Learn what you can do to stay safe in your home.  This article could save your life or the life of someone you love.

Living on Social Security in the US

Don't have any retirement savings to supplement your Social Security benefits?  Don't despair.  Here is a list of ten communities where the average household income is about the equivalent of the amount the typical couple receives in Social Security benefits.  With a little planning, it is possible to survive on you Social Security.

Crafts to do with Your Grandkids

Looking for some fun activities to do with your grandkids?  One website I have found is which is full of easy to do projects such as homemade ornaments, jewelry and t-shirts.  Time you spend with your grandkids is time well spent, and this article is a good place to start.

Work From Home and Make Money

A number of Baby Boomers are facing retirement with less retirement income than they had anticipated.  Many of the retirees I know are supplementing their retirement income with little businesses they can manage from home.  For many people, earning anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to a thousand dollars a month can make a huge difference in the quality of their retirement.  Here are some ideas to get you started.

Have a Long Life and Live to 100

How long are you likely to live?  Did you know that there are specific factors that seem to make a real difference in your life expectancy?  Check this article out and see if simple life changes could extend your life.  You will find other articles on people who live to be over 90 in the Medical section of this blog.

Copy a Photo Album for a Unique Gift

Trying to think of a special gift that will be treasured by your adult children or grandchildren?  This article contains instructions on how to put together copies of your favorite albums and share them with other members of your family.  Our daughters have cherished the photo albums we have shared with them.

The archives of this blog are full of other articles that you may find interesting and useful.  I hope you will take the time to browse through them and explore other topics of benefit to you.

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