Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Top Retirement Posts in 2021 - What Interested Baby Boomers the Most?

 At the end of each year, we post a collection of the posts which interested Baby Boomers the most during the year.  The subjects can change annually.  For example, in 2020, anything related to Covid was viewed frequently. In 2021, most readers were satisfied with what they had already learned about Covid, although they still wanted to know what to expect when they received their first Covid vaccines.  After that, they moved on this year to read more articles related to traditional retirement topics, such as the articles we posted on financial planning, and working after retirement.  Other topics which interested them included dental implants, rehab facilities, condo insurance, and how to find a good Memory Care facility.

You'll find a summary of the top posts below, along with direct links so you can find them easily and read the ones you missed. 

Top Posts of 2021

Amazon Savings Tips - How to Save Money Shopping Online - Did you know there are many ways to get a better deal, even when shopping online at major sites?  Sometimes on Amazon and the websites of other major companies, you can find coupons or other ways to get a better deal.  Check out these tips before you make your next purchase! 

Dental Implants - Which Kind do You Need? - More and more people are getting implants rather than the types of dentures which our parents received.  There are a lot of advantages to implants, but did you know there is more than one kind?  Learn about the types of implants and decide which one will work best for you. 

Covid 19 Vaccines: What to Expect Before and After You Get the Vaccine - If you are getting a Covid vaccine for the first time, what can you expect?  What side-effects are common?  What can you do to minimize these effects?  Although this article was written in the spring, when the vaccines first became available, the information is still relevant. 

Financial Planning Tips for Retirement - What the Experts Recommend - Are you financially ready for retirement?  If not, what can you do to reach your goals and have the comfortable retirement you hope for?  This article will help you make practical plans. 

Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose - What will your retirement look like?  This book will help you make the necessary plans to increase the likelihood that your retirement will look more like Heaven than Hell.  Even after all the material I have read about retirement, I found great tips in this book.  Read my review. 

Rehab Facilities: How to Choose the Best One for Your Situation - Many American families include at least one person with a substance abuse problem.  Alcoholism and drug addiction affect people of all ages.  This article will help you find the best rehab facility for your family situation.

Semi-Retirement - The New Retirement Model for Baby-Boomers - Many Baby Boomers have discovered that completely stopping work is not realistic for them.  They may want to continue working for financial, emotional or mental reasons. Learn more about how this could be the right retirement plan for you. 

HO-6 Condominium Insurance - What is it and What does it Cover? - Many retirees downsize and purchase a condominium for the first time in their lives as they prepare to simplify their lives.  One of the confusing choices they have to make is purchasing HO-6 Condo Insurance.  This article explains the various choices you may have, depending on the coverage already provided by your Homeowner's Association. 

Memory Care Communities: Part of Retirement Planning - None of us like to think about the time when we may not be able to handle our own affairs any longer. However, it is a reality we need to prepare for.  This article has some practical solutions for dealing for the problem, whether for yourself or a beloved family member.

You can find gifts for retirees and others at my Etsy Store, DeborahDianGifts:

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If you are interested in learning more about financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, where to retire, common medical issues as you age, travel and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

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Photo credits:Pixabay - geralt


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