Friday, February 12, 2021

'Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose?' - An Excellent Resource Book

A few weeks ago I was sent a copy of the book "Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose?" to review, and I want to start by saying that it is an excellent resource for anyone who intends to plan a secure, satisfying, happy retirement.  The information this book contains will do much more than simply help you prepare financially for the years after you stop working.  It will also help you enjoy those years and find meaning in the final decades of your life.

A Delightful Way to Prepare for Retirement

All of us have probably known at least one person who had, or is having, a miserable retirement and none of us want to be in that position in the future.  How do we make sure we can avoid that tragic situation? 

 Reading "Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose" (Ad) will help you avoid most common retirement pitfalls.  I particularly enjoyed all the delightful little original cartoons they used in the book to teach their retirement concepts.  Another important feature was the emphasis on the fact that retirement should NOT be your primary goal.  Instead we need to have new goals for our life AFTER retirement.  As someone who has been retired for eight years myself, I realize how true this is.

What to Expect to Learn from "Retirement Heaven or Hell"

The core of "Retirement Heaven or Hell" (Ad) focuses on what they call their Nine Retirement Principles.  These are:

Nurture Strong Relationships

Foster Good Health

Achieve Financial Independence

Reignite Your Sense of Adventure

Tap into Your Spirituality

Find Your Tribes

Make the Most of Your Time

Adopt the Right Attitude

Discover Your Purpose

In reading this list of retirement principles, you will see that they are also the keys to having a full, satisfying experience at any time of your life. Of course, when we were young working adults, we knew the importance of having good relationships, health, money, a sense of adventure, spiritual values, groups to belong to, time management, a positive attitude, and a life purpose.  These were skills necessary to be effective during our working years, and while we were raising our families.

However, many of us forget how necessary these values continue to be after we stop working. In truth, they are just as important, and perhaps even more important, during retirement. 

"What?" you ask. "I need to practice time management in retirement?"   Absolutely.  Based on my own personal experience and that of my friends, we often comment to each other that we don't know how we ever found the time to work, since we are so busy during retirement!  The skills you learned during your working years will continue to be just as important during retirement.

After covering all these topics in a pleasant, easy-to-read manner, the book goes on to talk about how you can use these principles to discover your purpose in life and create a heavenly retirement for yourself.  Isn't that what we all want?  Don't we all wish to avoid being condemned to a boring, lonely, unhappy retirement hell?

Why You Should Read "Retirement Heaven or Hell"

As this blog has often discussed in the past, it is not unusual for people to live another 20 or 30 years after they leave the work force, and sometimes longer.  During your working years, you may have hoped for nothing more than the day when you no longer had a schedule to follow, and that could be what you enjoy the most during the first few months after you leave your last job. What then?  What are you going to do once you get bored sitting at home, watching television, playing golf, going fishing, and snacking all day?  Is that all you want to do for the next 20 or 30 years?  What dreams have you deferred during your working years?  What would you like to achieve during a time in your life when you no longer have to work simply in order to survive, but you still have your health and energy?

Retirement planning requires much more than just putting money aside from your paycheck every month for 40 years.  It requires planning how to make sure your future is full of interesting activities, adventures, and satisfying relationships.  

I highly recommend that readers of the Baby-Boomer-Retirement blog consider getting, "Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose" (Ad).  If possible, read it four or five years before you retire. However, even if you have already retired, it is full of wonderful ways to get your retirement back on track so you are fully enjoying and making the most of every moment.  

About the Authors

This book was written by three authors who, together, bring decades of experience and knowledge to the creation of this entertaining and helpful book:

Michael Drak - 45 years of experience in the financial services industry

Susan Williams - Founder of Booming Encore, a digital media hub with retirement information

Robert Morrison - a Certified Financial Planner with decades of experience

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Photo credit: Book Cover

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a terrific read. Just can't imagine ever being bored.


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