Showing posts with label acid watcher diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acid watcher diet. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Low Acid Diet for GERD, Inflammation and Your Overall Health

Do you suffer from acid reflux, heartburn or GERD?  Is your throat hoarse or do you cough frequently?  Do you ever get an uncomfortable lump in your throat or have occasional trouble swallowing?  You may be suffering from excess acid in your diet, and if the problem is left untreated you could end up with esophageal cancer or other serious health conditions.  It is even possible that excess acid in your diet and the resulting chronic inflammation which it can cause may contribute to Alzheimer's Disease, heart disease or diabetes.

Millions of Americans suffer from the symptoms of too much acid in their diet.  They often respond to their discomfort by using antacids, and these over-the-counter medications can temporarily mask the problem.  However, antacids do not necessarily heal the damaged esophagus, nor do they prevent the underlying problem.  Only changing the diet to a less acidic one can permanently cure the problem.  It is even possible to get relief by just changing to a low-acid diet for as little as 28 days.

Solving the Problem of Stomach Acid

According to Dr. Jonathan Aviv,  the Clinical Director of the Voice and Swallowing Center, who has researched this issue extensively, there are certain foods which you should avoid and, conversely, other foods which you should choose in order to lower your consumption of acid. 

You can get a detailed explanation of the problems caused by a high acid diet, as well as the best foods to eat, helpful menus, and more in Aviv's book, "The Acid Watcher Diet: A 28-Day Reflux Prevention and Healing Program."(Ad)

In his book, Dr. Aviv recommends following a strict healing diet for 28 days, followed by a less restrictive eating plan once you have healed the delicate tissues in the esophagus and other parts of your digestive system.

Getting Started on the Acid Watcher's Diet

People who are affected by stomach acid need to avoid:

Carbonated sugary drinks

During the initial 28 days of the diet, you will also want to avoid:

All carbonated beverages
Raw Onions
Raw Garlic
Other high acid foods

Choose to Eat more foods with a pH of 5 or higher such as:

Lean animal proteins
Whole grains
High pH fruits and vegetables
Aromatic herbs and spices

Eventually you will be able to add back some foods such as:

Some alcoholic beverages, such as potato or corn based vodka
Cooked garlic and onions
Select dairy products
Apples and peppers
Occasional sliver of dark chocolate

What Are the Potential Benefits of the Low Acid Diet?

Higher energy
Less bloating
Weight loss
Less indigestion and heartburn
Less phlegm in the throat
Less inflammation 

How to Get More Details

If you are concerned about the amount of acid in your diet and the damage it is causing your health, you will want to read Dr. Aviv's book "The Acid Watcher Diet: A 28-Day Reflux Prevention and Healing Program." (Ad)  It explains why there has been an increase in the amount of acid in our food since the 1980s and how to reduce it in our current diets.

The book also contains food lists, menus, and recipes to help you eat a diet which will reduce the amount of acid you consume.  After just four weeks, you could feel better and be healthier.

Benefits of Eating a Low Acid Diet

At first you may think that changing your diet is too much trouble. You may believe you can just live with your indigestion and eat what you want.  However, are you willing to suffer all the future consequences of that decision?

Eating a high acid diet can cause more than indigestion.  It can lead to esophageal cancer, throat burn, heartburn, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome. It can also cause chronic inflammation which has been linked to a wide variety of disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, heart attacks, psoriasis and diabetes.

Regardless of what health problem you may be experiencing, you have nothing to lose and, possibly, a great deal to gain by giving the low acid diet a try for a few weeks, at least. 
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Photo credit:  Wikipedia images - vegetables