Showing posts with label Dr. Claudia Kawas research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Claudia Kawas research. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Update on the UCI 90+ Study at Laguna Woods Village

During the past few years, I have been following the 90+ Study in which researchers from the University of California in Irvine have studied people who live to age 90 or older.  They refer to them as the Oldest of the Old.

The UCI findings have been fascinating.  The study has been conducted on residents of the retirement community where I live who are over the age of 90.  However, when the project first started, these people were in their 60s.  As a result, the researchers have learned a great deal about this group of people.

Recently, I once again attended a speech by Dr. Claudia Kawas of UCI in which she discussed her major findings.  She and her team of researchers have learned a number of things about the lifestyle choices and genetic makeup of people who manage to live to be 90 years old.  Below you will find data from their website,, which summarizes what they have discovered.

Major Findings from the 90+ Study Listed on Their Website

*  People who drank moderate amounts of alcohol and coffee lived longer than those who abstained.  However, as you will see later in this article, living a long life is not the same as having a clear mind and a good quality of life.

*  People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did.  Again, a long life does not mean you will avoid dementia or disability.

*  Over 40% of people who live until they are between 90 and 100 years old will suffer from dementia; almost 80% of the people in this age group are physically disabled.  Both conditions are more common in elderly women than men.

*  About half the people over the age of 90 who have dementia do not have sufficient neuropathology in their brain to explain their cognitive loss.  This means that some people develop dementia, even when an autopsy does not show that there was anything seriously wrong with their brain.

*  People aged 90 and older with an APOE2 gene are less likely to have clinical Alzheimer's dementia, but are much more likely to have Alzheimer's neuropathology in their brains.  In other words, an autopsy may show that their brains have damage that would normally indicate Alzheimer's, but there were no clinical symptoms of the disease while they were alive.

More Findings from the 90+ Study about Dementia

In addition to the items listed above, Dr. Kawas reported a few additional facts about dementia during her recent presentation at Laguna Woods Village.

*  At age 75, there is about a 5% risk of dementia. At age 80, senior citizens have about a 10% risk.  The risk currently doubles approximately every five years.  At age 85, the rate is 20%.  At age 90 and older it is 40%. 

*  While moderate alcohol and caffeine consumption may help you live longer, it does not appear to prevent dementia.  Taking Vitamins E and C did not appear to help, either.  However, physical exercise does seem to "increase the production of a key brain nutrient called brain-derived neurotrophic factor."  Exercise is the only lifestyle choice Dr. Kawas mentions in her website that definitely seems to make a difference in brain function later in life.
increases the production of a key brain nutrient called brain-derived neurotrophic factor - See more at:
increases the production of a key brain nutrient called brain-derived neurotrophic factor - See more at:
increases the production of a key brain nutrient called brain-derived neurotrophic factor - See more at:

*  While many people assume that Alzheimer's Disease is the only cause of dementia, there are actually over 100 different pathologies or symptoms of diseases which appear to cause dementia.  For example, irreversible dementia can also be caused by vascular problems, a stroke, brain injury, sleep apnea, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease.  As reported above, people can have the Alzheimer's neuropathology in their brain and NOT develop dementia.  If they have the Alzheimer's neuropathology and one additional dementia pathology, they are much more likely to develop dementia symptoms.  If they have the Alzheimer's neuropathology and two additional dementia pathologies (or symptoms of brain diseases), they almost always have dementia symptoms that can be observed while they are alive.

*  On the other hand, approximately 40% of people with dementia have none of the pathologies or disease symptoms which are known to cause dementia.  In these people, the cause of their dementia is unknown!

*  Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia (defined as a decline in memory and cognitive abilities severe enough to interfere with everyday functioning).  Alzheimer's accounts for 70% of cases of dementia.

*  Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States, often because the patient becomes bedridden and develops pneumonia.

*  One out of nine people age 65 or older and one out of three people age 85 or older are living with Alzheimer's Disease. 

*  Age appears to be the greatest risk for dementia.  No matter what you do, the longer you live, the greater your risk of becoming mentally impaired.

How to Learn More About the 90+ Study from UCI

Many of us are going to want to continue to follow the 90+ Study and readers can watch for future reports in this blog about the findings in the coming years.  Here are a few other ways you can learn more and, in some cases, help.

*  You can sign up to participate in a trial at:

*  You can follow the UCI 90+ study and, if you wish, make a donation at:

*   You can read more on the background and findings of the UCI study in my article:  The UCI 90+ Study at Laguna Woods Village. 

If you are looking for more information that will benefit you as you age, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this page to find links to hundreds of additional articles on medical issues, where to retire, financial planning, family relationships and more.

You are reading from the blog:

Photo credit:  Photo of Laguna Woods Village taken by author, Deborah-Diane.

  • People who drank moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee lived longer than those who abstained.
  • People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did.
  • Over 40% of people aged 90 and older suffer from dementia while almost 80% are disabled. Both are more common in women than men.
  • About half of people with dementia over age 90 do not have sufficient neuropathology in their brain to explain their cognitive loss.
  • People aged 90 and older with an APOE2 gene are less likely to have clinical Alzheimer’s dementia, but are much more likely to have Alzheimer’s neuropathology in their brains.
  • - See more at:

  • People who drank moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee lived longer than those who abstained.
  • People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did.
  • Over 40% of people aged 90 and older suffer from dementia while almost 80% are disabled. Both are more common in women than men.
  • About half of people with dementia over age 90 do not have sufficient neuropathology in their brain to explain their cognitive loss.
  • People aged 90 and older with an APOE2 gene are less likely to have clinical Alzheimer’s dementia, but are much more likely to have Alzheimer’s neuropathology in their brains.
  • - See more at:

  • People who drank moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee lived longer than those who abstained.
  • People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did.
  • Over 40% of people aged 90 and older suffer from dementia while almost 80% are disabled. Both are more common in women than men.
  • About half of people with dementia over age 90 do not have sufficient neuropathology in their brain to explain their cognitive loss.
  • People aged 90 and older with an APOE2 gene are less likely to have clinical Alzheimer’s dementia, but are much more likely to have Alzheimer’s neuropathology in their brains.
  • - See more at:

    Thursday, May 8, 2014

    The UCI 90+ Study at Laguna Woods Village

    On May 4, 2014, the CBS television show, "60 Minutes" featured a study that is taking place in the retirement community where I live, Laguna Woods Village in Southern California.

    The study is being conducted by Dr. Claudia Kawas, a medical doctor and professor of neurology at the University of California in Irvine.  However, the study actually started about 30 years ago ... long before Dr. Kawas was in Irvine.

    Between the years of 1981 and 1984, UCI researchers sent surveys to the residents of Laguna Woods Village (then called Leisure World).  Nearly 14,000 residents completed them.  The surveys asked a wide range of questions over topics such as health, marital status, the activities in which they participated, foods they ate, vitamins they took, alcohol consumption, etc.

    The average participant was 73 years old at the time of that first survey.  Two-thirds of them were women.  Most were white and about 40% were college graduates.   During the following years, the original group of participants were asked to update their information in 1982, 1985, 1992, and 1998.  Gradually, of course, the group got smaller.

    Then, in 2003, UCI researchers took these dusty old folders off the shelf and decided to see how these people were doing.  They were able to find nearly 1900 of them who were still alive and in their 90's or older.  Approximately 1600 of them enrolled in Dr. Kawas' current study and agreed to submit to extensive testing. 

    In addition, 306 people in this group agreed to donate their brains to the researchers after death.  So far, they have done autopsies on approximately 210 of those brains.

    The research has been fascinating and I have summarized it below after watching both the "60 Minutes" episode as well as a YouTube video by Dr. Kawas.

    UCI Research on Longevity:

    *  Vitamin consumption did not seem to help people live longer, although it may help in other areas, such as preventing fractures, etc.

    *  Drinking a glass or two of alcohol of any type (not just red wine) occasionally (not necessarily daily) seemed to help people live longer.

    *  Caffeine from all sources, including soft drinks, chocolate, tea and coffee did make a difference.  People who consumed about 200 mg. of caffeine a day (2-3 cups of coffee) seemed to live longer.  People who consumed too much or too little did not live as long.

    *  Being of average weight or heavier seemed to be protective; being too thin was associated with an increased risk of early death.  People who were underweight in their 70's had a 50% increase in their mortality rate.  People who were of normal weight or overweight in their 70's had a 3% lower mortality rate for each year they lived.

    *  While having low blood pressure was healthier for younger seniors, having high blood pressure seemed to benefit those who are over the age of 90.

    *  It was beneficial to stay mentally, physically and socially active as long as possible.  About 45 minutes a day of physical activity seemed to help people live untill their 90's.  More time spent in exercise did not make a difference.  In addition, the activity did not need to be intense in order to benefit this age group.  It did not have to be jogging and it did not have to be all at once.  It could be broken up into two or three periods of activity a day.

    *  As for leisure/social activities, those were also associated with a longer lifespan.

    UCI Research on Dementia:

    *  There are more than 100 pathologies that can lead to dementia.  Alzheimer's is only one form of dementia, although it is one of the most common.  The more different pathologies you have, the higher your risk of developing dementia.

    *  Researchers have long believed that plaques and Amyloid tangles in the brain are related to Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.  However, the brain autopsies that have been completed to date are bringing this into question.  So far, half of the people with dementia had plaques and tangles, while half did not.  In addition, the reverse has also been true.  Half of the people without dementia had plaques and half did not.  Dr. Kawas is now concluding that plaques and Amyloid tangles may not be as closely related to Alzheimers and other forms of dementia as we first thought, although there is still some reason to believe that it does matter.  Researchers are concluding that dementia is more complicated than they first thought.

    *  Three or more microinfarcts or mini-strokes in the brain can multiply your chances of having dementia by five times.

    *  Age seems to matter the most in regard to dementia.  By age 85 about 5% have dementia; at 90, 10% of all seniors have dementia; by age 95, 20% have dementia; by 100, 40% have dementia.

    *  Low oxygen levels in the blood, especially below 93%, doubled your chances of developing dementia.

    *  Low walking speed resulted in an eleven times great risk of dementia.

    *  People with a weak hand grip had a five times greater risk of dementia

    *  High blood pressure and high cholesterol apparently REDUCES your chances of dementia (although these are still related to a higher incidence of heart disease and strokes).  Researchers are now studying whether it is the blood pressure and cholesterol themselves, or if it is the drugs that are given for these illnesses, that provide the protection.

    This report was fascinating ... and they are not finished, yet.  They intend to continue studying this group of people until they have all died.  Who knows what other incredible facts are still to be discovered?

    If you want to watch the entire "60 Minutes" episode for yourself, which also includes an update on the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, you can find it here:

    If want to see an even more in-depth lecture by Dr. Kawas, here is a YouTube video of her giving a guest lecture at the University of California in Davis:

    If you are looking for more interesting information to assist you with aging and retirement, use the tabs at the top of this blog.  They contain links to hundreds of articles to help you.

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    Photo credit:  Photo of a clubhouse at Laguna Woods Village was taken by author, Deborah-Diane.  All rights reserved.