Sunday, September 25, 2011

Women and Social Security

No matter what your age, women need to understand how Social Security works.  For most women, Social Security will play a major role in how much money they will have available once they reach their 60's.  Since you will have some important decisions to make when you begin to collect Social Security, it is very important that you have all the necessary information, so that you make the best possible decisions and maximize your income.  Below are some of the basic facts that you need to know. 

For more personal details about your specific situation, you may want to visit your nearest Social Security office, or read more online at

Facts about Social Security for Women

The first thing you should know is that you can collect your Social Security benefits any time between the ages of 62 and 70 (or even at a younger age, if you are a widow.)  However, the younger you are when you begin to collect, the less money you will receive for the rest of your life.  As a result, many women are smart to postpone collecting their Social Security benefits until they are at least 66.  However, the decision is completely up to you.  If you are ill, cannot work, or desperate for money, you may feel that your situation forces you to collect your benefits sooner.

If you did not earn very much income during your lifetime, you can still collect some Social Security benefits based on your husband's earnings.  This is true even if you are divorced, as long as the two of you were married at least 10 years and you have not remarried.  At your full retirement age (around the age of 66 or 67), you can receive 50% of what your husband receives at his full retirement age.  You will need to compare whether you are better off using your own benefits, based on your own past earnings or whether you would collect more money by receiving half of your husband's benefits.

On the other hand, if you earned more than your husband, then it is possible for him to receive benefits based on your earnings.  The helpful consultants at the Social Security office can help you decide how you can collect the maximum benefits.

You will also be eligible for Medicare once you turn 65, whether your Social Security and Medicare benefits are based on your own earnings or those of your husband.  Medicare will withdraw a premium of about $104 from your Social Security benefits in order to pay for your basic Medicare healthcare.  You may want this used to pay for a Medicare Advantage plans that has more benefits or you may wish to purchase a Medicare Supplement plan in addition to the basic Medicare plan.

If your husband dies, you can collect widow's Social Security benefits.  The amount varies depending on when you begin to collect.  If you wait until your full retirement age, you can collect as much as 100% of what your husband would have collected. 

There are many other factors concerning Social Security that could affect when you decide to collect.  Be sure to check with your local Social Security office as soon as you begin planning your retirement.

It is important for everyone to understand their Social Security benefits, but especially women, because so many American women spend the last few years of their lives in poverty.  You do not want this to happen to you, if you can avoid it.

If you are interested in more retirement information, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this article to find links to hundreds of additional articles about financial planning, including Social Security, where to retire, medical issues that could arise, family relationships and more.

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Life Lessons to Teach your Grandkids

Like most Baby Boomers, we went through our early adulthood giving very little thought to the fact that someday we would be grandparents.  However, now that we've reached this point in our lives, we discovered that we enjoy our grandkids enthusiastically.  My Facebook page is alive with photos of the grandkids of all my friends, and I enjoy seeing the things their families do together.  We've posted a a number of photos of our grandchildren, too.

Every Sunday, one of our daughters drops by our house with her two children, and we all prepare a large breakfast of scrambled eggs and chocolate chip pancakes together.  It would be easy if we just made everything ourselves, and had it fully prepared when they arrived.  However, my husband delights in the time he spends letting our 11 year old granddaughter help.  She particularly loves to make the scrambled eggs, and has become quite adept at cracking the eggs on the edge of the skillet all by herself.

After breakfast, my husband often spends a little time teaching our 8 year old grandson how to carve and make things out of wood.  On other occasions, we take the kids out fishing for the day.  We've taught them how to sew on a button, and stitch together a simple seam.  We've taught them how to play some of our favorite games, like Mexican train.  We explore the tidepools at the beach looking for little crabs and starfish.  We watch movies and television shows together.

We have other grandkids, as well, although they do not live close enough to see them every weekend.  However, when they come to visit, we really enjoy spending time with them.  Last summer, I was able to spend a day helping our two teenage granddaughters look at colleges.  When our youngest grandson visits, it is delightful to watch him play at the beach.

When we spend time with our grandkids, we are able to use that quality time with them to do much more than pass on skills that we think they would enjoy.  We are also able to teach them life lessons that we think are important.  When they are rude, we gently tell them that there are better ways to ask for things.  When they fight, we discuss other ways they could handle their disagreements. We try to reassure them when they are worried, and encourage them when they are shy.  We try to attend school events and sporting events whenever possible, because they need to know that they have family support, whether they win or lose.  These are the really valuable lessons that we want to teach our grandkids. 

Our daughters are all wonderful mothers, but I think it helps them to have parents who reinforce their values and the lessons that they are passing on to their children.  We always make sure our grandkids know that their parents are the ones who make the final decision on everything.  We don't let them talk us into treats or activities that we know their parents wouldn't like.

The kids love to tease us and we let them, as long as the teasing is not mean-spirited.  This morning, our 11 year old granddaughter was wearing a "scary" skeleton Halloween costume when they arrived for breakfast.  She sneaked up to the kitchen window and peaked in, trying to "scare" us.  It gave us all a good laugh.  Perhaps being able to laugh at their youthful jokes is the best lesson of all!

If you are looking for more information about grandparenting, retirement planning, where to retire and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page for links to hundreds of additional articles.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dates for Medicare Enrollment Changes

It can be very difficult to stay up-to-date with all the changes to Medicare and the other programs that are meant to make life a little easier for senior citizens.  We have to constantly be on the alert for changes in programs.  In fact, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that it is a bit ironic that all these programs that are supposed to make life easier are actually so darn confusing!

Since 2011, the deadline for changing your Medicare coverage has changed.  Open enrollment is now from October 15 to December 7.  In the past, the enrollment period ran from November 15 to December 31.

If you want to switch your Part D prescription drug plan, or switch from traditional Medicare to one of the Medicare Advantage plans, or even switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to a different one, you need to make those changes during this enrollment period that expires on December 7.

It is important to get the word out on this.  Many people may think they have until December 31 to make these important changes.  However, if they don't make the changes by December 7, their current plans will stay in place throughout the following year, according to the September 2011 issue of the AARP Bulletin.

Of course, if you watch television at all, you will start seeing the newest Medicare plans for your area advertised regularly beginning every September.  In addition, if you are in your 60's or older, you are highly likely to receive advertisements for the different types of Medicare policies in the mail.

If you are still trying to compare different types of coverage before deciding which plan will work best for you, you can check out or call 1-800-633-4227.

At the very least, it is important to understand a few basic facts about Medicare.

Type of Medicare Policies Available

Beneficiaries of Medicare have several choices regarding Medicare:

*  If you work and get insurance through your company, you still need to sign up for basic Medicare.  This will keep you from paying extra high premiums when you switch to using Medicare.

*  Take basic Medicare only, which currently means about $104 a month will be taken from your Social Security or will be billed to you, if you do not take Social Security, yet.  Medicare only covers about 80% of your medical expenses, and there are some expenses that it does not cover at all.  As a result, most people choose one of the two following choices.

*  Take basic Medicare, but add a Medicare supplement plan.  Medicare will still charge you the basic $104 a month.  You will also pay an additional premium, depending on the Medicare supplement plan you choose.

*  Sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan.  The $104 a month will be assigned to the private insurance company and they will provide you with medical care which, by law, MUST include everything provided under basic Medicare.  In addition, most Medicare Advantage plans will also offer a variety of other benefits, depending on the plan you choose.  Some Medicare Advantage plans do not charge any extra premiums.  Others have a small additional premium.  Some include dental and vision plans and low co-pays.  You will need to shop around.  If you have a doctor who is in a Medicare Advantage plan, this is often the most affordable and comprehensive Medicare choice.

If you are looking for more information about Medicare, retirement planning, where to retire, financial planning, medical issues and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this article for links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Postpone Alzheimers and Dementia

As if we don't have enough problems to worry about when we start planning our retirement, most of us also wonder if we will still have fully functioning brains as we age. Dementia, including diseases like Alzheimers, is a very real health concern.

I wanted to pass on this information that I picked up from the website RealAge. com. It is from a September, 2011 article entitled "7 Ways to Prevent Alzheimer's."

Before I reveal their suggestions, it is important for people to realize that there is currently no way to guarantee that doing these things will actually permanently prevent Alzheimers. However, some medical researchers seem to believe that about half of all cases could at least be postponed. As far as I'm concerned, these are facts that are worth knowing about. Below are the actions that Real Age recommends we all take for better brain health.

How to Postpone Dementia

1. Don't smoke. That's one habit I don't have. For those of you who do, this is one more reason to throw that pack away!  Smokers have more than twice the incidence of dementia!

2. Get exercise. According to Real Age, taking a daily walk can keep your brain from shrinking, because it increases the blood flow throughout your body, including to your brain. Who knew??  Of course, walking is also good for other aspects of our health, as well.

3. Keep your blood pressure low. High blood pressure is related to Alzheimers. One food they recommend is watermelon. Apparently, it is very effective at lowering blood pressure. That's wonderful, since it is one of my favorite summer fruits!  Some people may also need to take blood pressure medication.  It if enables you to think more clearly as you age, you may seriously want to consider medication if your blood pressure is high.

4. Get a good night's sleep. This suggestion was a bit more complicated. According to Real Age, if you don't sleep enough, you increase the chances that you will get type 2 diabetes, and diabetes is related Alzheimers. I think this suggestion should have been to simply live a lifestyle that reduces your chances of getting diabetes!  However, even outside of the diabetes link, I have read other reports that suggest that people who have the best quality sleep also are less likely to develop dementia.

5. Go outside. This suggestion seems simple enough. Apparently, when you spend time outside you are less likely to feel depressed, and depression is linked to Alzheimers. (It seems to me that this is one more reason to live somewhere that has mild winters!)

6. Keep learning. Medical researchers have discovered that it is especially beneficial to learn a new language, although any type of learning seems to be beneficial. French classes, anyone?  If you don't want to learn a new language, you might consider music lessons, learning to play a new game or developing other challenging skills.

7. Lose weight. I knew that one would show up. I keep trying, but I am sure that I am going to take a few extra pounds to my grave with me! However, perhaps the fear of not being able to remember the names of my loved ones will make a difference. I'll keep trying ... and I suggest that other people do, too.  However, there is also research that it is better not to be underweight.  It seems that the best situation is to be at your ideal weight or slightly more than that.

In the comment section of the Real Age article, readers made their own suggestions. One person suggested that a glass of red wine once in a while could help our brains. Other people suggested adding tumeric to your food and tea. Tumeric is found in curry powder in the U.S.

The Doctor Oz television show on ABC also did a special about Alzheimers on September 21, 2011. He had as his guests Dr. Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopra. First, he showed slices of a brain with Alzheimers, and you could actually see the holes in the brain. Then, Dr. Oz and his guests mentioned some supplements they use to ward off Alzheimers. Among the products they suggested were: Vitamin D, the herb Ginko, Phosphatidylsirene (also called PS), coffee, magnesium, tumeric, sage and ginger. You may want to look up this television show and watch the entire program.  I want to mention, however, that some of these suggestions are not backed by scientific research.  However, moderate amounts of those products will not harm you, and they might do your brain some good.

The way I look at it, none of these suggestions will hurt me, and I plan to try at least some of them. Anything I can do to prevent or postpone Alzeimers seems worthwhile to me.

If you are interested in reading other articles about aging, retirement, retirement planning, maintaining your health, where to retire or financial planning, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional articles. 

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finding the Best Places to Retire

Have you decided where you would like to live after you retire?  Would you prefer to be near your grandkids, near the ocean, close to a lake, or in the mountains?  What about your proximity to hospitals, shopping and sports venues?  The decision of where to retire is not always easy.

We gave a lot of thought to our decision to retire in Laguna Woods Village, California. We chose our location partly because we have a number of relatives who live in California, and we wanted an affordable place to retire which would make it easy for us to visit our family and for them to visit us.

Finding affordable housing is not always easy in the Southern California real estate market, but Laguna Woods Village is one of the less expensive places. We also wanted palm trees, the ability to take walks on the beach, mild weather, and plenty of golf during our retirement years.

However, not everyone can or should retire to Laguna Woods Village. As a result, whenever I discover information about other possible retirement areas, I pass the information to my readers of this blog.

A few years ago, CNN came up with their list of places they think are good for retirement. They put emphasis on recommending places with a low cost of living, crime rates which tend to be below the national average, good medical groups, and where at least 30% of the population is older than 50 years old. Listed below is a little information about each of their top picks. 

Marquette, Michigan on Michigan's Upper Peninsula was number #1 on the CNN list. Marquette has a cost of living that is 95% of the national average. It is near Lake Superior, which can be fun in the summer. However, you should know that the town gets an average of 141 inches of snow a year.  While some people will enjoy this town, it would not be a good choice for everyone.

Cape Coral, Florida has low home prices and a cost of living which is 96% of the national average. The town has 400 miles of canals, and is located on the Gulf of Mexico. This is an ideal location for people who enjoy water sports, although you need to be prepared for an occasional hurricane, too.  While the winters are mild in Cape Coral, the summers can be very hot. 

Boise, Idaho is a small city with a very low crime rate. Violent crime is about half the national average. The cost of living is about 97% of the national average. The town is surrounded by mountains, but the climate within Boise is considered mild.

Danville, Kentucky is a small town with affordable homes and a cost of living that is only 93% of the national average. It's about a forty minute drive from Lexington, and about a 90 minute drive from Louisville. The town has a number of locations which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It gets a little snow in the winter, and you should expect thunderstorms and an occasional tornado alert in the summer.

Weatherford, Texas has a cost of living that is only 87% of the national average. It is a small town about 33 miles from Fort Worth. People who enjoy horses will especially enjoy this community. It gets very hot and dry in the summer, and you can also expect thunderstorms and tornado alerts.

Southaven, Mississippi is a small suburb of Memphis, Tennessee, but located on the Mississippi side of the city. The cost of living is only 88% of the national average. One of the advantages is that are located close to all the big city amenities which Memphis has to offer.

Clarksville, Tennessee is a small city near the Kentucky-Tennessee border. It has a cost of living that is about 88% of the national average. It can be chilly in the winter and hot in the summer, with occasional storms.

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma is a suburb of Tulsa. It has a cost of living which is about 88% of the national average. Like Tennessee, it can be chilly in the winter and hot in the summer, with occasional storms and tornadoes.

Lake Charles, Louisiana is about 30 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico, which makes it vulnerable to hurricanes and floods. However, it is a lovely location for people who enjoy freshwater fishing and similar water sports. It has a cost of living about 91% of the national average.

Winstom-Salem, North Carolina is a charming community with a cost of living which is about 91% of the national average. It has a symphony, arts district, and is home to the University of North Carolina School of the Arts.  This is an ideal location for someone who wants to enjoy affordable access to theater and music after retirement.

Even if you do not choose one of the towns on this list, they will give you a good idea of what to look for in a community ... access to interesting activities, weather which you find bearable, lower than average crime, affordability and access to medical care. 

As you can see, there are plenty of great retirement areas for you to investigate no matter what region of the country you want to live.

To read more about retirement communities, recreation in retirement, financial planning for retirement, the qualifications to move into a retirement community, working in retirement, and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this article to find links to hundreds of additional posts.

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