Showing posts with label how to slow down dementia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to slow down dementia. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Early Diagnosis of Dementia is Possible

Many people mistakenly believe that every time they misplace their car keys or forget an appointment, it is an early sign of dementia ... including Alzheimer's Disease.  The truth is that everyone sometimes forgets something.  However, that does not mean that early diagnosis of dementia is not possible.  Researchers have discovered that changes in behavior or personality could be a better way to predict dementia than occasional forgetfulness.

Mild Behavioral Impairment Could Indicate Brain Changes

Dr. Zahinoor Ismail of the University of Calgary and his team of researchers have compiled a checklist of symptoms which could be a red flag for doctors and families who are watching for signs of mental decline.  In putting together the checklist, they discovered that the brain changes that eventually lead to dementia can affect other parts of the brain years earlier.  In fact, people can develop signs of behavior impairment as much as a decade or two before they begin to show memory loss.

Symptoms of Behavioral Changes

Among the behavior changes which could be symptoms of future dementia are:

Has the patient lost interest in their favorite activities?
Are they getting unusually anxious, aggressive or suspicious?
Are they making crude or inappropriate comments in public?
Have they developed signs of depression?
Are they experiencing "sundowning" ... agitation or memory problems which are worse late in the day?
Have they become apathetic?
Do they get anxious about activities which have always been routine?
Are they losing their impulse control?
Have they started flaunting social norms?
Are they losing their appetite or showing less interest in food?

Dr Ismail emphasizes that these changes should be new problems that last more than six months.  In addition, they should not be problems that can be explained in other ways, such as by a clear mental health diagnosis or the recent death of a loved one. These need to be new behaviors.

Early Treatment Can Delay Alzheimer's Disease and Other Types of Dementia

If you notice that you or someone you love has developed recent personality or behavioral changes, it could be worth it to discuss the problem with your family doctor.  There are treatments which have been successful in slowing the progression of dementia.  It is also possible that early treatment could be even more successful if it is started as soon as mild behavioral impairment is noticed.

Medications are available to help people control their depression, anxiety and irritability, which could make life easier for both the patients and their family members.

Other Ways to Slow Down Dementia

Many researchers believe working crossword puzzles and playing a variety of brain games could slow down the development of dementia.  While these games may help, it is possible that social activities could be even more important.  Researchers from the University of Wisconsin reported their findings that "complex jobs that require working with people may help the brain build resilience against dementia, what's called 'cognitive reserve.'" 

In addition to being engaged in complex activities with other people, researchers from the University of South Florida discovered that reaction-time training could significantly decrease your risk of being diagnosed with dementia.  In the study, led by Dr. Jerri Edwards, 14 percent of people in a control group that received no intervention were diagnosed with dementia a decade later.  Those who had received just ten hours of reaction-time training over a five-week period lowered their risk of a dementia diagnosis to 12 percent; those who continued to get extra booster training lowered their rate of diagnosis to 8 percent.  The booster training consisted of four extra sessions one year after the original training and four more two years later.  The scientists measured the cognitive and functional changes at the beginning of the study, as well as at the one, two, three, five and ten year marks.  They found the group that did the speed training had 33 percent less risk of dementia when compared to the control group.  Even better, those that did at least 11 speed-training sessions were at 48 percent less risk for developing dementia over the ten years of the study.  The speed training consisted of a computer program in which the participants were asked to identify objects on a screen quickly.  The program got harder with each correct answer.

Other researchers have discovered that getting exercise, learning new skills, being involved in a religious organization, eating the Mediterranean diet, and socializing are all good ways to reduce dementia risk.

If you are interested in learning more about lowering your risk of dementia or developing other health problems, finding good places to retire, financial planning, Social Security, Medicare and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional articles.


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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to Slow Down Alzheimers Disease

Get exercise, learn a new skill, and
spend time with others!
A little article in the January, 2012 issue of Reader's Digest has spurred me to pass on this information about how to postpone the development of Alzheimer's Disease.  The article was a summary of the main points in the new book, available from, "The Alzheimer's Prevention Program," by Gary Small, an M.D. at the UCLA Longevity Center.  If you suspect that you are at particular risk of developing this dreaded disease, this book may well be worth reading.

The Reader's Digest article, and a sidebar accompanying it, relayed some information that could be invaluable to every Baby Boomer.  Dr. Small estimates that people could prevent or postpone a million cases of Alzheimers every 5 years if they would just make one healthy change to their lifestyles.  Below are some of the changes that they recommended.

Lifestyle Changes That May Slow Down Dementia

* Increase your exercise.  Exercise actually increases brain muscle, according to Dr. Small in the Reader's Digest article.  I knew that exercise was good for us, but I had never heard it put in those terms!

* Challenge yourself mentally.  Sitting and doing crossword puzzles is not enough.  Sign up for a college class, learn a new skill, or get into a political discussion.  I have also heard that learning a new language in our 60's can be beneficial.

* Eat healthy food, but not too much.  If you are overweight, you have a significantly higher chance of developing dementia.

* Reduce your stress by meditating, getting a massage, going for a walk, or taking classes in tai chi or yoga.  The better you manage your stress, the lower your dementia risk.

* Socialize with others.  Having friends can reduce dementia risk by as much as 60%!

* Take a few supplements.  In particular, you should take a multi-vitamin, fish oil and curcumin (which is in turmeric, the powder that gives curry powder that yellow color).

These are all simple activities, but they are extremely important in improving the quality of life we will enjoy during the years after retirement.  In addition, if you believe that you are developing serious signs of dementia, despite your best efforts, you will want to see your doctor right away.  There are treatments that can help slow down the progression of the disease.

Whether you are already retired, or just preparing to retire soon, you may also want to get more information by using the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this page to find links to hundreds of additional articles on where to retire, health issues that could develop, financial planning, travel, family relationships and more.

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