Friday, February 19, 2021

Pets and Seniors - How they Help Each Other

Instinctively, many of us have always realized how much it helps us to own a pet during retirement, although we may not have given it much thought. In fact, during the Covid pandemic, pet adoptions increased dramatically, as people of all ages sought the companionship of a pet, especially if they expected to spend a lot of time alone. Having a pet broke up the solitude for many lonely seniors who were unable to see friends and family because of  Covid.  Many of them were very creative in their choice of pets, too. Recently, I met a neighbor who was out walking her very large pet turtle!

Pet adoptions nearly emptied the kennels in a number of animal shelters, providing homes to animals who might never have been adopted, if it had not been for the pandemic.  Many of the adopted animals were  older, more "mature" animals, which are often overlooked in the shelters, so adopting them was a great service. 

Although millions of seniors own a pet, it is a topic which has never been covered on the Baby-Boomer-Retirement blog before, so I welcomed the offer from Johny Kershaws to write a guest post on the topic. In the article below, Johny explains how much owning a pet can help the seniors who own them.  Animals have so much to teach us. An interesting book on the topic is "What I Learned from My Dog: My Life's Lessons Journal." (Ad)  

Benefits of Pet Ownership for Seniors

by Johny Kershaws

Call it whatever you prefer it to be – pet therapy, pet-assisted counseling, or pet care – the advantages of pet ownership for senior citizens have been widely recognized and acknowledged for generations.

Animals have been shown to relieve pain, reduce loneliness, and provide elders around the world with loyalty and emotional support. Loneliness is a factor in many seniors' poor health. Consequently, you can improve the quality of your life through pet ownership as a way to avoid loneliness, dissatisfaction, inadequacy and feelings of low self-worth.

The most prevalent types of pets owned by older people are cats and dogs, ranging from Chihuahuas to Golden Retrievers, but the list also includes rabbits, farm animals, birds, fish, and turtles as likely options. Some senior living communities allow pets, which is an important issue to consider if you or your parent is considering moving into one with an animal.

Among the benefits of pet ownership are: 

1. Pets Combat Loneliness

Just petting an animal can decrease your stress and make you feel more comfortable, because the touch releases "feel good" dopamine chemicals in your nervous system. In addition, owning a pet makes you more likely to talk with strangers, especially while out walking your dog or enjoying a day at the dog park.

Moreover, you may quickly realize that owning a pet will frequently give you opportunities to chat with nearly anyone, whenever you are out with your pet.

2. Animals Can Ease Anxiety and Pain

For many senior citizens, pain is an all too common experience, and anxiety can often make the pain feel worse.

Older people sometimes have health problems such as osteoporosis and arthritis which cause periodic pain. A pet can reduce their discomfort and contribute to the relief of their pain. In several studies, pet therapy has proven very effective in reducing symptoms among seniors who have suffered trauma.

Many elderly people have even asserted that their pets took away their pain. The production of oxytocin in the brain, a positive hormone, is often increased when interacting with pets. This hormone also reduces the sense of anxiety and pain in people.

3. Pets Encourage Seniors to Stick to a Routine

For a healthy lifestyle, it is very important to adhere to a routine, especially for senior citizens who no longer work or have another reason to follow a schedule.  When you own a pet, you become accountable to another living creature. This is true even if you own something as simple as a fish or turtle. You must guarantee that food, water, training, maintenance, and other needs are addressed in a timely manner for your pet. Taking care of another living creature makes seniors more likely to take care of their own needs, too, such as following a regular schedule themselves for eating, sleeping, and getting exercise.

4. Animals Keep Seniors Mentally Active

Over half (62%) of the seniors surveyed said they maintained a regular routine by taking care of their beloved pets, and 73% claimed they had a sense of purpose which was reawakened by having a pet.

After you retire, if an individual has little sense of purpose, the risk of depression increases. This higher rate of depression can sometimes lead to lower cognitive ability, since you may feel there is nothing worthwhile for you to do each day. Being able to feed, walk, care for, and play with an animal can begin to fill those empty hours and help keep your mind sharp.  In addition, if you walk a dog or play with your cat, you will also get exercise, benefiting both you and the animal.

5. Pets Help You Remain Social

As mentioned, depression may be devastating in senior citizens, and isolation has been shown to increase heart disease rates by 29 percent to 32 percent. In an analysis of 70 studies with 3.4 million individuals, the chance of death is 30 percent higher in the following seven years if you become more isolated in retirement.

In a recent survey, however, 65 percent of  older pet owners stated their animals helped them stay connected to other people, because they often socialize with other pet owners. Of course, most pet owners also interact with and talk to their animals, which reduces their feelings of loneliness, too!

6. Handling Animals Can Lower Blood Pressure

A pet can help you stay healthy in a variety of ways, including reducing your blood pressure. In some studies, pet ownership has been shown to reduce the risk of heart complications after heart attacks.  Many small lapdogs, like Chihuahuas and others, are especially suitable for seniors because of their small size and personality.  Holding one can also reduce your stress, which helps to lower your blood pressure.

7· Many Pets Help Their Owners Stay Active

Larger pets, such as dogs and cats, must engage in some physical activity regularly. This workout can come in the form of regular walks, playing with a ball, chasing after toys, and similar activities. The pet's daily training requirements may differ from one breed to another, but most of them need their owner to engage them in a certain amount of physical activity, which is also a way for the owner to get  exercise, as well.

Failure to provide exercise can cause your pet to become overweight and bored. Owners can avoid this by keeping their pets physically fit. Even very elderly seniors can sometimes find a way to satisfy the physical needs of their pets by tossing a ball to their dog, dangling a toy in front of their cat, or playing with them in other ways. In addition, pets help keep seniors moving as they perform basic tasks, such as feeding their pet, bathing it, taking it to the vet, and doing similar things for it.  

If you intend to get a dog, choose one which will fit your way of life.  Take into consideration the needs and requirements of the animal. If you live in a senior apartment or living community which allow pets, it is especially important to choose the correct breed and size dog. 

You may want to read a book like "Every Dog: A Book of Over 450 Breeds."  (Ad) It contains pictures of the different types of dogs, as well as information on their size, exercise requirements, ease of training, affection, and whether they are likely to be good with your grandchildren. It can be a useful tool before you choose the dog you want to own during retirement. 

8. Pets Relieve Stress

Many types of pets seem incredibly wise. They frequently are aware of the mental state of their owners and may try to provide them with comfort and companionship when they need it the most.

Animals can be regarded as essential stress-breakers. All too often, they know exactly how to save the day for their owners.

Our brain rests when we are with our pets. Having an animal around tends to boost brain oxytocin development, which reduces stress and tension in our bodies.  That is one reason so many people have pets as comfort animals.

9. Animals Can Ease Depression

Unfortunately, many older adults are lonely later in life. They may spend a lot of time by themselves because of health problems which keep them home, the death of their partner, adult children who are unable to visit, or even an unexpected worldwide pandemic which forces shutdowns and closures.

It is not easy on anyone to be alone, because most of us crave companionship. Without it, it is common to become depressed, which is terrible for your health.

One way to help us feel free from loneliness is by caring for a pet. Your dog, cat or other pet can become your buddy, bring you joy, and just be there for you.

Their wagging tail is a sign that you are the center of their lives. Knowing this brings joy to their owners.

10. Pets, Especially Dogs, Provide A Sense Of Security

Finally, having an animal in your home can offer a sense of comfort, peace, and security. Pets, in particular dogs, will often alarm their owners if someone unfamiliar is at the door or tries to enter the house. However, they are not the only animals which can aid in your personal security. Cats and birds have also been known to create loud sounds, and even attack, when their owner appears to be at risk. Owning an animal can make you much more secure when you live alone.

However, not all animals meet the needs of every senior citizen. Before you bring an animal home, take a little time to think about the right one to meet your personal needs and fit your situation. Consult a veterinarian to learn about the pros and cons of various types of pets you are considering. Make sure you also take into consideration the cost of owning each kind of animal, including food, grooming, and potential veterinarian bills.  You should also consider who will care for the pet if you travel or need to go into the hospital.

You may be interested in reading about the various types of pets (Ad) and the advantages and disadvantages of each.   This could help you avoid unexpected issues before you spend a lot of money on a pet which may not be right for you. 

Bottom line:

Dogs have always been one of the most popular choices in pets for seniors, followed by cats, although there are other options you may want to consider. You have to decide which type of pet is the right choice for you.

Dogs, in particular, are renowned for their devotion to their humans, and for their unconditional affection. Keeping a dog, cat or other pet at home will not only relieve your sense of isolation, but will also encourage you to lead a more productive, happier and safe existence.

About the author:  The writer of this post is a pet lover who owns a dog and loves to write about everything related to pets. She is a frequent writer and contributor to top online pet publications and blogs, including  Dog Breeds 911 and Pet Friendly Senior Living.

* * * * * * *

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Photo credit: Photo provided by Johny Kershaws 

Friday, February 12, 2021

'Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose?' - An Excellent Resource Book

A few weeks ago I was sent a copy of the book "Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose?" to review, and I want to start by saying that it is an excellent resource for anyone who intends to plan a secure, satisfying, happy retirement.  The information this book contains will do much more than simply help you prepare financially for the years after you stop working.  It will also help you enjoy those years and find meaning in the final decades of your life.

A Delightful Way to Prepare for Retirement

All of us have probably known at least one person who had, or is having, a miserable retirement and none of us want to be in that position in the future.  How do we make sure we can avoid that tragic situation? 

 Reading "Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose" (Ad) will help you avoid most common retirement pitfalls.  I particularly enjoyed all the delightful little original cartoons they used in the book to teach their retirement concepts.  Another important feature was the emphasis on the fact that retirement should NOT be your primary goal.  Instead we need to have new goals for our life AFTER retirement.  As someone who has been retired for eight years myself, I realize how true this is.

What to Expect to Learn from "Retirement Heaven or Hell"

The core of "Retirement Heaven or Hell" (Ad) focuses on what they call their Nine Retirement Principles.  These are:

Nurture Strong Relationships

Foster Good Health

Achieve Financial Independence

Reignite Your Sense of Adventure

Tap into Your Spirituality

Find Your Tribes

Make the Most of Your Time

Adopt the Right Attitude

Discover Your Purpose

In reading this list of retirement principles, you will see that they are also the keys to having a full, satisfying experience at any time of your life. Of course, when we were young working adults, we knew the importance of having good relationships, health, money, a sense of adventure, spiritual values, groups to belong to, time management, a positive attitude, and a life purpose.  These were skills necessary to be effective during our working years, and while we were raising our families.

However, many of us forget how necessary these values continue to be after we stop working. In truth, they are just as important, and perhaps even more important, during retirement. 

"What?" you ask. "I need to practice time management in retirement?"   Absolutely.  Based on my own personal experience and that of my friends, we often comment to each other that we don't know how we ever found the time to work, since we are so busy during retirement!  The skills you learned during your working years will continue to be just as important during retirement.

After covering all these topics in a pleasant, easy-to-read manner, the book goes on to talk about how you can use these principles to discover your purpose in life and create a heavenly retirement for yourself.  Isn't that what we all want?  Don't we all wish to avoid being condemned to a boring, lonely, unhappy retirement hell?

Why You Should Read "Retirement Heaven or Hell"

As this blog has often discussed in the past, it is not unusual for people to live another 20 or 30 years after they leave the work force, and sometimes longer.  During your working years, you may have hoped for nothing more than the day when you no longer had a schedule to follow, and that could be what you enjoy the most during the first few months after you leave your last job. What then?  What are you going to do once you get bored sitting at home, watching television, playing golf, going fishing, and snacking all day?  Is that all you want to do for the next 20 or 30 years?  What dreams have you deferred during your working years?  What would you like to achieve during a time in your life when you no longer have to work simply in order to survive, but you still have your health and energy?

Retirement planning requires much more than just putting money aside from your paycheck every month for 40 years.  It requires planning how to make sure your future is full of interesting activities, adventures, and satisfying relationships.  

I highly recommend that readers of the Baby-Boomer-Retirement blog consider getting, "Retirement Heaven or Hell - Which Will You Choose" (Ad).  If possible, read it four or five years before you retire. However, even if you have already retired, it is full of wonderful ways to get your retirement back on track so you are fully enjoying and making the most of every moment.  

About the Authors

This book was written by three authors who, together, bring decades of experience and knowledge to the creation of this entertaining and helpful book:

Michael Drak - 45 years of experience in the financial services industry

Susan Williams - Founder of Booming Encore, a digital media hub with retirement information

Robert Morrison - a Certified Financial Planner with decades of experience

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Photo credit: Book Cover

Friday, February 5, 2021

Substance Abuse in Senior Citizens - Are You Abusing Drugs or Alcohol?

A couple of years ago, I was in the local grocery store when the man in line ahead of me put a case of beer, several bottles of wine, a couple of bottles of hard liquor and a variety of mixers on the conveyor belt, along with an assortment of snacks.  The friendly checker smiled at him and asked, "Are you having a party?"  The man replied, indignantly, "No, this will last me all week."  The checker looked at me in disbelief.

Of course, not all senior citizens are drinking at home. I have also noticed is the popularity of the golf course bar in our retirement community.  The first night it opened, a man crashed his golf cart into a tree a few minutes after leaving.  He survived, and the story was relayed in a humorous way, but drunk driving, even in golf carts, is a serious problem for senior citizens who may already have vision and other health issues which can impair their driving. In addition, many seniors are taking medications which can increase the enhance the effects of alcohol or recreational drugs, such as marijuana.

While sometimes the signs of substance abuse in senior citizens can be obvious, in other cases it can be well concealed.  It is one reason why some senior citizens do not want to go to a hospital or stay in a skilled nursing facility, even temporarily while healing from surgery.  They are often concerned that they will not be able to freely use the drugs or alcohol they have become dependent upon.  In other cases, they intentionally search out some of the popular assisted living communities which now have elegant bars and frequent "happy hours."

As a result, I was extremely interested when WebMD emailed me a slide show titled "How to Spot Substance Abuse in Older Adults."  They were sharing this information because they were concerned that more older Americans are abusing drugs and alcohol than in the past.  In fact, according to the statistics they released, 5.7 million Americans over the age of 50 had substance abuse problems in 2020, and that is more than twice the number who had these problems in 2006.  Below is a summary of the information provided by WebMD.

If you are concerned about drug abuse or alcoholism in yourself or a family member, it may be helpful to read some substance abuse books. (Ad)  They can show you how to get started on the path to recovery, while learning more about the subject in the privacy of your home.

Spotting Substance Abuse in Older Americans

1.  Stress and anxiety in the later years may contribute to dependence on drugs and alcohol. The stress could be caused by retirement, the loss of people we care about, loneliness, sleep problems, family conflicts and financial concerns. Although not mentioned by WebMD, I have observed that some people begin to abuse chemicals as a way to cope with health problems.  They may be "self-medicating" themselves for arthritis stiffness, back pain, depression, or similar problems.  The article also mentioned that Baby Boomers became adults during a time of relaxed views about alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs, and they continue to hold those views today.

2.  Men are more likely to overuse alcohol, and women are more likely to become dependent on prescription drugs.  You are more likely to have a substance abuse problem if you are white, have a higher income, live alone, lost your spouse, retired unexpectedly, suffer from chronic pain, or you are disabled. In addition, people with a past history of either addiction or mental illness are also more likely to have a substance abuse problem late in life.

3.  Substance abuse problems may be mistaken for normal aging issues.  For example, if the person has problems with their balance, memory, or social skills, it could be assumed they are having age related problems, not alcoholism or drug addiction.  Since they are retired and no longer have to show up daily for a job, it can be easy to hide what is going on.  Even when relatives notice the heavy drinking, they may shrug it off, believing that the substance abuse isn't hurting anyone, or it is making the person happy.

4.  Signs of substance abuse vary widely, and may be hard to spot, because the person could become more reclusive or secretive about it.  Some signs to watch for include slurred speech, unexplained injuries and bruises, memory loss, confusion, mood swings, complaints about sleep problems, anxiety, depression, loss of interest in their favorite activities, poor hygiene and isolation from family and friends.  Of course, many of these issues can be caused by other diseases such as dementia, Parkinson's, or common medical treatments such as blood thinners and cancer treatments.  It can be difficult for families to sort out what is actually going on.

5. Alcohol affects people more strongly as they age.  Seniors may get drunk on much less than they used in the past. In addition, alcohol interacts with medications people commonly take for illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia and depression.  Most people who drink should limit themselves to no more than one small drink a day; less is better.

6.  Prescription drugs can have dangerous interactions.  If your doctor recommends a new prescription to you, make sure you review it with both your physician and pharmacist.  If you do not improve, seem to feel worse, or develop new symptoms after adding a prescription, make sure you re-check with your doctor and pharmacist.  Always read about drug interactions, especially if you are also taking nutritional supplements, over-the-counter medications, or herbal remedies.  Some of them can have dangerous consequences when combined with prescription drugs.

7. Marijuana is being used more often by older Americans.  Some seniors are even growing their own marijuana on patios and in gardens in their back yard.  As many as one in twenty seniors may be using some form of cannabis. Here in our California retirement community, local marijuana dispensaries even advertise on television that they can help you choose the right product and deliver it to your home.  They make it very easy! It is important you discuss your use with your doctor and pharmacist, because marijuana can boost the effect of your prescription drugs, hurt your short-term memory (masquerading as dementia), and increase your blood pressure, heart rate, and heart attack risk 

8.  Illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin use is low, but it does exist in senior citizens. These heavy drugs can cause serious drug interactions and lead to falls, accidents and overdoses.  Most senior citizens do not handle these drugs very well.

9.  Substance abuse in senior citizens is serious, but it can be treated.  Depending on the specific issue, you should start by discussing the problem with your doctor.  There are medications which may help some problems. Other people may benefit from therapy, going through a detox program, and/or joining support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, where they can get the support of other people going through the same thing.  You may also find it helpful to read The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (Ad) which explains how that program works and the story of the men who started it. If you join a support group, it may help you to find a meeting which has a few other older people who are dealing with the same issues.  The good news is that these treatments seem to be more effective in older people than young adults, so it is never too late to turn things around!

10.  Adult children and other relatives can help by encouraging the older members of their family to seek help for substance abuse problems.  If necessary, talk to their doctor, minister or family friends to solicit their assistance in getting help for a family member with substance abuse problems.  Family friends of the affected person may also find it helpful to join an Al-Anon Family Group in their community.  This is an organization designed to help the friends and family of alcoholics and drug abusers, so they learn how to better cope with the stress it causes them.

If you are worried about drug or alcohol abuse in another person, no matter what their age, you may find it helpful to read Alanon books and literature, which can make it easier for friends and family to cope with the stress of dealing with someone else's drinking or drug use. (Ad) Do not give up on your loved one.  There are interventions which can help them, and you, have a better life.

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Friday, January 29, 2021

Rehab Facilities: How to Choose the Best One for Your Situation


This week we have a very timely guest post from John Lewis on how to find an effective rehab facility. Many people of all ages, including Baby Boomers, are suffering from alcoholism or addiction, or they have relapsed after a period of sobriety.  This has been particularly true this past year because of the stress of the Covid-19 pandemic, financial losses, grief for the loss of family members, loneliness, and other setbacks.   

If you decide that you need help to get your life back on track, and want to kick your alcohol or other addiction problem, this article by John Lewis will help you know what to consider in making the right choice in a rehab facility.  You may also want to learn more about addiction recovery, by reading books such as "The Addiction Recovery Workbook: Powerful Skills for Preventing Relapse Every Day."  (Ad)  Below is the guest article by John Lewis.


5 Steps to Choose an Effective Rehab Center

Searching for the right rehab center is unlike any other decision you have to make in life. It’s not like choosing your laptop or selecting your next vacation spot. You’re dealing with a decision that will govern the quality of your life or your loved ones. Whether or not you can transition easily and successfully into a sober life will depend on which center you pick.

So, there is a lot to consider. You have to get this decision right in the first go. There’s barely room for a second shot. Since you’re dealing with life and death here, you must be super careful and consider the following factors before finalizing the decision:

Think About Your Rehab Needs and Goals

What is it that you want? Think about it. Which substances are you trying to recover from? Are there any destructive behavior patterns that you are trying to break? Is there some medical condition or dual diagnosis for which you seek treatment? You will know your goals and needs after you answer these questions. Do you aim to get sober after the first month? Are you aiming for a six-month mark to ease into sobriety? Perhaps a year? Only you can answer these questions and accordingly, you will need to pick a rehab which offers what you seek.

Seek Professional Help

Treatment professionals know aspects of rehab centers that a layman may not be aware of. They can make you aware of certain factors that you could never have thought of. Their advice can be a lifesaver when you're contemplating multiple facilities. Mostly they know the ins and outs of facilities and can offer a match between what you need and what the facility offers. In this way, they can connect you to the right rehab center.

Do Your Own Research

Before committing to a center, be sure to do your research. It’s one thing to make promises, but it is quite another to fulfill them. Most rehab centers will have larger-than-life promises on their home page. But, you need to dig deeper. See whether or not they follow any research-driven program, what their philosophy is, and what makes up the structure of their program.

Factors to Consider

Although you have to factor in a lot of aspects, below are some of the most important ones to think through:

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Facility

An inpatient facility, such as an inpatient drug rehab or inpatient alcohol rehab, will have you stay at the premises.  In case of outpatient programs, you will seek treatment and go home. Both have their own set of advantages. Which is best for you will depend on your individual preferences and needs. It’s thought that the inpatient arrangement tends to be more successful than the outpatient one, but it is also a lot more expensive. Outpatient treatment also lets you live a normal life without breaking your routine.

Number/Nature of Therapies and Treatments

There are literally thousands of therapies and treatment options out there. This allows everyone to pick what works best for them. However, it also means that the treatment you seek may or may not be available at your desired rehab facility. It’s good to do some legwork and see all options which are available.


While it may not seem like a huge deal in the beginning, location does play a major role in the success rate of the program, and your ability to have a successful recovery. Remember that rehab is supposed to give you a fresh start. Therefore, a location far away from your previous life is better. It helps the person disconnect from past relationships and habits so that a new beginning is easier. Additionally, a center located in a peaceful setting somewhere near the countryside rather than in an urban setting may help a quicker recovery. A luxury rehab center may provide even better surroundings - if you can afford it.


The sheer number of rehab facilities to pick from is huge and each one has a different set of amenities to offer. While some would provide you with really high-end facilities which would match the standards of a five-star hotel, others only give you extremely basic, yet functional, facilities. It is all about what you have in mind and what kind of amenities you need to lead a normal life, even in rehab.

Length of the Program

The majority of rehab programs last from a month to sixty days. Some can even go up to 90-days. Most experts recommend sticking with a 6-month time frame because they feel that 30 days are not enough to adequately work through the underlying issues which are causing substance abuse and dependency. Although you can find many facilities with excellent success rates with even a 30-day program, it all depends on your individual requirements. Also, sticking with a longer rehab program may not be feasible for all patients owing to familial, professional, and financial needs.

Look for Accreditations

As with any other service provider, it’s good to see if the rehab center has some seal of approval from an agency or association. When it comes to drug de-addiction and substance recovery, you would want to look for the CARF accreditation. It’s a mark that the center lives up to the required standards of performance and care in terms of their treatment and overall quality.

Final Words

Choosing a rehab center and the right program is a life-changing and sensitive decision. Equipped with the right information and proper research/knowledge, you should be able to find the best one for you. If nothing works out, you can always seek professional advice. 

* * * * * * * *

IMPORTANT  NOTE from Baby-Boomer-Retirement:  Millions of people have also found a solution to their alcohol addiction through Alcoholics Anonymous, and many rehab facilities even recommend that their patients follow their treatment with active participation in AA.  To learn more about that program, you may want to read the "Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous - Original Edition."  (Ad) Then, you can decide if you want to try their program, go to a Rehab Facility or do a combination of both, which is very common.

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If you are interested in learning more about common medical issues as you age, financial planning for retirement, where to retire, Social Security, Medicare, common medical issues as you age, and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

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Photo credits: John Lewis

Friday, January 22, 2021

Covid 19 Vaccines: What to Expect Before and After You Get the Vaccine

Every day, more and more people are getting the Covid-19 vaccine, which will hopefully lead us out of this pandemic and back to a more normal life, again.  Along with the number of people who have already had Covid and recovered from it, we could be able to reach herd immunity sometime late this year, if we manage to get the mutations under control.  

I have now had both my first and second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and the only symptoms I experienced were a little tenderness in my arm after each of the vaccinations, and I felt the need to take a nap immediately afterwards. I had no other side effects. One of our daughters who is in her early 50s and also received the vaccine, had the lymph nodes swell up under the arm where she received the Moderna shot. This is now considered a common reaction, particularly in women. One of our son-in-laws developed a rash a few days after receiving the first dose of the Moderna vaccine, and this was also determined by his personal physician to be a normal reaction.  If you have questions about any reactions you experience, you should consult your personal doctor. 

While you are waiting to get your vaccine, or if you have received it recently, you may have questions. Fortunately, the January/February AARP Bulletin and other sources have answered many of these questions, and a summary of the information is provided below.

In addition to the vaccine, what else can I do to reduce my Covid-19 risk?

In addition to being vaccinated, which is the most effective preventative, there are a few other things you can do to reduce your risk of getting Covid or, at least, having a bad case of it.  Here is what they have found to be the most effective:

    * Wear face masks, especially surgical masks or N95 masks

    * Wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer frequently

    * Get an air purifier with a HEPA filter (Ad) 

    * Test yourself using home COVID tests (Ad)

    * Take Vitamin D pills long before you are exposed.  People who regularly take statins and melatonin seem to have a lower risk of death from Covid, too.

My husband and I purchased two WINIX air purifiers (Ad) for our home and we are very happy with them.  Even Dr. Fauci mentioned that he has a couple of air purifiers with HEPA filters in his house, now.  They can be helpful in reducing the level of bacteria and viruses in your home, especially if it is necessary for you to allow repairmen and other strangers to enter.

Should I take NSAIDS or over-the-counter painkillers before or after getting the vaccine?

According to the University of California in Irvine newsletter from UCI Health, taking over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil) before receiving any vaccine could reduce its ability to work and blunt your immune response to the vaccine.  The Explore Health website also recommends that you not drink alcohol the night before getting a vaccine, since the vaccine may give you flu-like symptoms, and you do not want a hangover on top of feeling like you have the flu! In fact, it is actually normal to have a reaction to the vaccine.  It means your immune system is mounting a response.  After the vaccination, it is OK to take an over-the-counter medication if you have symptoms which make you uncomfortable, although some of the websites recommended that you wait at least six hours before you do so.  If you currently take Tylenol, Advil or another NSAID or anti-inflammatory for arthritis or a similar condition, stop it a day before getting the vaccine, and start it again the following day. 

On the other hand, if you are prone to having allergic reactions to medications, Dr. Jen Ashton, who is a medical contributor to ABC News, has mentioned that she took an antihistamine before getting her vaccine, and she believes it helped. She also took Motrin a few hours after the vaccine, when she developed a fever.  Discuss you options with your personal physician and follow their advice. 

What side-effects can I expect from the Covid-19 vaccine?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, you could have the following side-effects:

  • Pain at the injection site
  • Swelling in the arm where you got your shot
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Tiredness
  • Headache

Moving your arm frequently for several hours after receiving the vaccine, and putting a cold cloth on it can reduce the pain and swelling at the injection site. Drink plenty of liquids to reduce fever and chills.  If you are really uncomfortable, talk to your doctor about taking Tylenol or Advil a few hours later.  I have heard some experts recommend that people take the day off after getting the vaccine.  In some cases, the second shot has produced more side effects than the first one.

Could I have an allergic reaction?

A very few people who have received the vaccines have had a serious allergic reaction, but that has been limited mostly to people with a history of anaphylaxis, which is a severe allergic reaction. The British government has recommended that people with severe reactions to drugs, food or vaccines should not take the Pfizer vaccine.  Our FDA is still considering what their recommendation should be.

If you are concerned, anaphylaxis usually happens within the first half hour after being exposed to an allergen, so it is suggested that you get your vaccine in your doctor's office or a similar safe facility with medical staff nearby who are prepared to treat anaphylaxis, and wait for an hour before leaving.  If you have serious side-effects after you have already left, call your doctor.  If you have a mild reaction, your doctor may suggest you take an antihistamine.  Remember, the risk to your health from getting Covid-19 is far greater than the risk of getting the vaccine.  

How long after getting the vaccine will I develop immunity to Covid-19?

According to Pfizer, you only have 52% effectiveness 21 days after the first vaccine dose. Israeli researchers have found that the effectiveness of one dose may be even lower, possibly as low as 33%.  The Moderna results are similar, except it takes 28 days to reach 50% effectiveness.

This basically means that if you are exposed to Covid, you have a 50/50 chance, or higher, of still developing a serious form of the disease, and some people have died from Covid even several weeks after receiving the first dose of the vaccine.  However, several weeks after the second dose of the vaccines, you can reach up to 95% effectiveness.  So, if you receive the first dose in mid-February and the second dose in mid-March, it could be mid-April before you have reached peak effectiveness.  You cannot hurry things.  In addition, it is important to remember that even after BOTH vaccinations, there is still a 1 in 20 chance that you could get Covid.  However, even if you do, being vaccinated appears to drastically reduce your risk of being hospitalized or dying from Covid.

After receiving both shots, can I go back to normal?

No.  That is very important to remember. You should still continue to practice social distancing, wear a face mask, and avoid travel.  This is because even after getting the vaccinations, 5% to 10% of people will not be completely protected from Covid-19.  Some people in your circle of friends who have already had Covid, and believe they are safe, could become reinfected.  Other people, because of allergies, medical treatments, or other health issues, will be unable to be vaccinated. Even after you have had both vaccinations, you still have a chance of getting it, especially because the virus is mutating and that is lowered the effectiveness of the vaccine.  Your best defense is to get the vaccinations, and then continue to wear a mask and socially distance until we reach herd immunity as a nation, and infection rates in your community have dropped to a very low number.

Here is the part I considered most surprising from the AARP Bulletin article:

"The vaccine itself doesn't prevent you from contracting the virus; it simply prepares your body to mount a vigorous defense so that, if you do become infected, the resulting illness is far less likely to be life-threatening."

Did you read that carefully?   You can still get Covid-19 and pass it to others, even after getting the vaccine!  It is less likely to kill you, if you've been vaccinated, but it could still kill an unvaccinated person you pass it to.  As a result, we all have to continue to be careful until at least 80% of the people in the country, especially the people we associate with, have had the vaccine.  Then, everyone you are around will be much safer from the serious consequences of getting Covid.

If you are concerned about how Covid-19 became such a serious problem, and how to prevent the next pandemic, you may be interested in reading "COVID-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened and How to Stop the Next One."  (Ad) It is fascinating. 

Should I get the vaccine even if I have already had Covid?

Yes.  Some people who have had Covid have gotten it a second time and, in some cases, it was much worse the second time. The best way to reduce your risk is to get the vaccine.  You should wait at least 30 days after you have recovered and finished your quarantine period, and then it will be a good idea to get vaccinated. 

How long will immunity from the vaccine last?

We do not know how long it lasts.  We hope it will last a year or two, but we will not know for sure until it stops working for some people.  When that happens, we will have to go through the whole process again, and everyone will need a booster shot.   It is possible that it will last much longer than we expect, much like the polio vaccine, and that would be very good news.

It is possible, according to Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, and other people who are carefully analyzing the results of the vaccine programs, that we may need to get booster shots annually or every two years.  This is how they expect to deal with the inevitable mutations and keep them under some control. Be prepared to expect to get vaccinated again the future, although you will probably receive the vaccine through your local healthcare provider or in the same way you currently receive your flu shot. 

Hopefully this information helps everyone get the most benefit possible out of the vaccine so we can all move forward and return to normal as soon as possible.

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