Sunday, May 27, 2012

Natural Cures to Stop Snoring

Does snoring affect the quality of your rest, and disrupt the sleep of your partner?  If you or your spouse snores loudly and still feels tired in the morning, you could be developing Metabolic Syndrome, also called Syndrome X.  Snoring is not a problem that should be ignored.  It can increase your chances of having heart disease, diabetes, or a stroke.  One symptom of snoring is if you are tired and fall asleep easily during the day, even when you believe you have had a full eight hours of sleep.

Metabolic Syndrome is a Common Health Problem

If you have metabolic syndrome, you are not alone.  According to an article by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen on, titled "Stop Snoring to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome," about one in four adults in the United States suffers from this disorder.  Among the symptoms are sleep problems, bulging belly fat, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and low HDL cholesterol.  If you have a significant snoring problem, you double your risk for metabolic syndrome.

Treatments for Snoring

There are medical treatments for snoring and, if you cannot bring it under control naturally, you should see your physician.  They can prescribe medications or medical devices that can alleviate the problem.

In addition to the medical treatments for snoring, here are a few tips that may help you cure your snoring naturally, and they are worth trying out:

* Lose 10% of your body weight.  Try walking 30 minutes a day and gradually increase it, if necessary, in order to lower your body weight.

Use healthier fats, such as canola oil, walnut oil, olive oil and peanut oil.  They will help boost your HDL and lower your LDL

Put away the sugar bowl.  Stop adding extra sugar or syrup to your foods.

Try changing your position when you sleep.  My husband and I have discovered that he only snores if he falls asleep on his back with his arms raised so that his hands are either cupped behind his head or are on the pillow above his head.  If he sleeps on his side, or if he sleeps on his back with his arms by his side, he does not snore.  This simple adjustment has made a big difference in both our lives.  Many people snore only when sleeping in certain positions.  Experiment with the way your sleep and ask your partner which positions seem to be the best.

Remember, if these natural changes do not solve your snoring problem, you should see a doctor, especially if you have any of the other symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome.  A few simple changes can extend your life dramatically, by reducing your chances of having a heart attack or stroke, or developing diabetes.

If you are interested in learning more about medical issues that can develop as you age, retirement planning, where to retire, family relationships and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of this page to find links to hundreds of additional articles.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hepatitis C Tests for Baby Boomers

Periodically, the federal government puts out a health alert that pertains to Baby Boomers and, when it does, this blog tries to respond quickly to get the word out, especially if the health alert is a matter of life and death.  Few things are more important to Baby Boomers who are planning their retirement than making sure they are doing everything possible to maintain their health.

Boomers Should Get Tested for Hepatitis C

In May 2012, the Centers for Disease Control proposed that every American born between 1945 and 1965 (the Baby Boomers) should see their doctors and ask for a one time test for the Hepatitis C virus.  In the United States, Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver transplants and liver cancer.  The need is urgent, because liver cancer is the fastest rising cause of cancer deaths in our country.

This information should be shared with all the Baby Boomers you know.  The CDC estimates that 75% of the people in this country who have Hepatitis C are Baby Boomers, which means that approximately 2 million Baby Boomers are currently infected with this deadly disease.  Five times as many Baby Boomers have the virus as other adults, and most of them do not know it.  In the case of this disease, ignorance is not bliss.  The virus can be damaging your liver for years before the symptoms become noticeable.  As a result, over 15,000 Americans are dying each year from Hepatitis C related illnesses.

The CDC believes it is extremely important that Baby Boomers be tested as soon as possible because new treatments can now cure up to 75% of infections caused by Hepatitis C.  The CDC estimates that screening for this disease could save thousands of lives.

If you want to read more about the CDC recommendations, here is the link to an article about it in the Federal Register: 

Citizens are even invited to submit their comments about Hepatitis C testing for Baby Boomers.

Meanwhile, the next time you see your doctor for your annual physical, ask him if he thinks you should be tested for Hepatitis C.  It could save your life.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to Access Your Social Security Information Online

Since 1999, the Social Security Administration has been mailing annual statements to all workers over the age of 25.  However, it has cost the SSA over $70 million a year to provide this information by mail.  In fact, for a while in 2011, they temporarily stopped mailing the statements; then, in 2012, they resumed mailing the statements to people over age 60 who were not yet drawing on their Social Security benefits.  All these changes have been confusing for many workers, especially those who are attempting to make retirement plans.

How to Find Your Social Security Statement Online

As of May 1, 2012, the Social Security Administration began to put everyone's Social Security benefit statement online.  Workers over the age of 18 can now see their statements simply by going online and creating an account at My Social Security.  You will need to set up an account by filling in your personal information, such as your name, address, phone number and Social Security number, and will have to answer a few security questions.

You can go to the Social Security Adminstration's website at this link:  My Social Security.

Once there, follow the instructions to create an account.  You'll see a button about halfway down the home page that says: "Sign In or Create an Account."  The information that is available is very similar to what you would see on the old paper statements.

Periodically, the site will be down for a few days while they update the statements.  If that happens to you, just try again a week or so later.

If you are looking for helpful information about Social Security, retirement planning, financial information, where to retire, common health issues and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional articles.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Walking: Your First Step to a Long Life

How much time do you spend sitting, and how much time do you spend standing, walking or doing housework?  Most of us try to get some exercise every day, but it may not be nearly enough if we want to live a long, healthy life.

Sitting is Associated with a Shorter Lifespan

According to the Archives of Internal Medicine at, in a three year study of over 222,000 individuals over the age of 45, the more time they spent sitting, the more likely they were to die. broke the research down even more and explained that the people who sat for eleven hours or more per day were 40% more likely to die ... even if they exercised after they spent eleven hours sitting!

This is a significant concern for people who spend long hours sitting at a desk at work and then come home and sit in front of the television set.  It is also a problem for retirees who prefer activities that involve a lot of sitting ... playing bridge in the morning, watching television in the afternoon, going to a play or movie in the evening.  Too much sitting could lead to a premature death.

How Much Should You Move? generally recommends that people exercise at least 150 minutes a week, or 21 minutes a day.  However, that may not be enough for optimal health if you spend the remainder of your day sitting.  They suggest that, at the very least, you should get out of your chair as often as possible and spend more time standing, walking or engaging in other physical activities.  Even doing household chores will reduce the amount of time you spend sitting and make you healthier.

Recently, I saw a television report that said it actually makes a difference in people's heath if they get up during every commercial and putter around the house while they are watching TV.  If such a simple act can lead to a longer life, it is well worth the small amount of effort ... especially if you combine that with a 20 minute walk or period of activity once or twice a day.

Some people have found it helpful to walk around the house whenever they are talking on the phone.

Be Aware of How Much You Sit

For writers or other people who spend a lot of time on the computer, it is also important to become more aware than ever about the need to get away from the desk chair and walk for a while on a treadmill or take a stroll around your neighborhood.  You can also do chair exercises, spread a mat on the floor and do yoga, or go for a swim.  It is time for us all to realize that every step we take is a step towards a longer life!

If you are interested in other health tips, ideas on how to live longer, suggestions on where to retire, financial planning or family relationships, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page for links to hundreds of additional articles.

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