Saturday, June 29, 2024

Beware of Bug Bites: A Guide to Dangerous Insects and How to Stay Safe

Bugs can be small, but dangerous!

Nature's amazing ecosystem is also home to millions of insects, some of which can create serious risks to human health. From venomous spiders to disease-carrying mosquitoes, dangerous bug bites are not to be taken lightly. Understanding these potential threats and adopting preventive measures can help safeguard us against these tiny yet potentially deadly foes.  Let's look at some of the most dangerous bug bites and explore proven ways to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

The Culprits: Identifying Dangerous Bugs

Several insects worldwide can deliver dangerous bites, leading from mild to severe reactions. Some common problem bugs include:

a. Venomous Spiders: Species like the Black Widow and Brown Recluse can cause severe pain, muscle cramps, fever, and in extreme cases, even organ failure.  Be careful about putting your hands into wood piles, storage cabinets and other "hidden" spots. 

b. Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are notorious for transmitting deadly diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus.  In fact, mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on earth. The best way to protect yourself is to make sure there are no containers of water near your home. Be sure to check the trays under plants, spots where puddles tend to form after you water your lawn or anywhere else where standing water can be found.  Mosquitoes can lay eggs in hatch in less than a week in standing water. 

c. Ticks: These tiny arachnids can transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and other tick-borne illnesses, causing long-term health problems.  I have known people who spent months fighting Lyme disease before they got it under control.  Children and adults who work outdoors or like to hike in the forest are especially at risk.  Children should be carefully checked after outdoor play. 

d. Scorpions: Found in many regions, scorpions deliver venomous stings that can be especially dangerous for children and the elderly.  When we lived in Texas, I occasionally found scorpions in my pots and pans!  They can pop up almost anywhere, if you live in an area where they are common. 

e. Fire Ants: Their stings can lead to painful red welts and, in some cases, severe allergic reactions.  Personally, I have twice been attacked by fire ants.  The painful bite marks covered large areas of my body, and caused the affected areas to swell up. I was also miserable for more than a week each time it happened.

f. Bees and other flying insects:  Some people are severely allergic to bee and wasp stings.  They are a common cause of anaphylactic shock. In extreme cases, people with allergies to these stings should carry an EpiPen with them so they can respond immediately if they are stung.  Most schools will allow parents to leave an EpiPen at the nurse's office, in case their child is stung at school. Be sure to replace it occasionally, so it does not expire.  I have even been stung on the bottom of my feet while walking at the beach.  It is important to use a card or knife to scrape the stinger out of your skin. 

Risks and Reactions: Understanding the Dangers

The severity of a bug bite's impact varies depending on the person's immune system, the bug's venom potency, and the location of the bite. Common reactions to dangerous bug bites include:

a. Allergic Reactions: For some people, bug bites trigger severe allergic responses, known as anaphylaxis, leading to breathing difficulties, swelling, and even unconsciousness.  If you have ever experienced this after an insect sting, talk to your doctor about getting allergy shots to minimize your reaction and, if appropriate, carry an EpiPen with you. 

b. Infection: Scratching bug bites can break the skin and pave the way for infections, especially if the bug carries harmful bacteria.  Try to treat the bite as soon as possible and avoid scratching the area.  Cool, wet cloths can help reduce the pain until you can treat the bite.  Talk to your doctor if your reaction seems excessive.  The last time I was stung by a bee, my doctor prescribed antibiotics, because she said it look like the bite was infected. 

c. Long-term Health Complications: Certain bug bites, like those from disease-carrying mosquitoes and ticks, can result in chronic health issues if not treated promptly.  Lyme Disease is just one of the serious illnesses which can be caused by tick bites.  

Prevention is Key: How to Stay Safe

While it is impossible to completely avoid bugs, taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of dangerous bug bites:

a. Use Insect Repellent: Apply EPA-approved insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to exposed skin and clothing when spending time outdoors.  Natural products contain Lemongrass, Peppermint, Cintronella and similar natural aromas which are good options to discourage mosquitos. 

I love wearing Buggy Bands (ad)

Check out this Amazon link to mosquito repellent bracelets, stickers, sticks (ad) and other items which you can wear or use to reduce your risk of getting bitten. Most of these products are safe for children with the only active ingredients being Lemongrass, Peppermint or Citronella. 
 I love having them on hand for anytime I will be outdoors in high mosquito areas. I even wore a Citronella and Lemongrass ankle bracelet to a grandson's outdoor graduation.  I was glad I did!

b. Wear Protective Clothing: Cover up with long sleeves, pants, and closed-toe shoes, especially in bug-prone areas.  If you are going into an area where mosquitoes are a serious problem, you can even purchase clothing which has been treated with chemicals that will repel them. I purchased an insect repelling sweatsuit for a trip we took to Alaska. 

c. Avoid Peak Activity Times: Some bugs, like mosquitoes, are more active during dawn and dusk, so minimize outdoor activities during these times.

d. Inspect Bedding: When staying in hotels or unfamiliar places, check for signs of bedbugs and avoid leaving luggage on the floor. Set it on a table, desk or luggage rack.  If you think the room is infested with bed bugs, ask to be moved to another room.

e. Keep Living Spaces Clean: Regularly clean your living spaces, dispose of garbage properly, and eliminate standing water sources to reduce bug populations.

f.  Relocate Bee Hives When Possible:  We need bees to pollinate our food, but they also pose a risk to us when we unintentionally bump into a hive.  If you see a hive in a tree or on a wall near your home, contact a bee removal service to have the hive relocated as safely as possible.  The City Hall for the town where I live even had a hive that had grown inside a wall relocated to the roof of the building, where professionals not periodically harvest the honey!

g.  Use Insecticides When Necessary:  While I do not recommend widespread spraying in order to kill all the insects on your property, you may want to work with a pest control service to eliminate certain types of insects such as bed bugs, fire ants, wasps, fleas, black widow spiders, or an infestation of other insects.  Be selective, however.  Some types of insects are beneficial and we do not want to kill them all.

First Aid: Immediate Actions for Bug Bites

If bitten by a dangerous bug, follow these immediate first aid steps:

a. Clean the Area: Wash the bite site with soap and water to prevent infection. If stung by a bee, use a credit card or knife to scrape off the stinger. 

b. Apply Ice: Use a cold pack or ice wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

c. Elevate the Area: If possible, keep the affected limb elevated to slow down venom spread.

d. Seek Medical Attention: For severe reactions, allergic responses, or if unsure about the bug's potential danger, seek medical help immediately. Contact your doctor or go to urgent care if you experience a lot of pain or swelling.

Insects play crucial roles in maintaining ecological balance, but some can pose serious threats to human health. Understanding the dangers associated with dangerous bug bites is essential for safeguarding ourselves and our families. By staying informed, adopting preventive measures, and knowing how to respond in case of a bite, we can coexist with nature while minimizing the risks. Remember, knowledge and preparation are the best tools to protect ourselves from the tiny yet potent dangers lurking in the wild. Stay vigilant, stay safe!

People who love to garden or spend time in their gardens are especially at risk for insect bites.  Make sure you are taking all possible precautions when working in your yard, including wearing protective clothing, perhaps a long-sleeve sweater or sweatshirt, long pants, shoes, and heavy gardening gloves. You can use this Amazon link to mosquito protective clothing (ad).  Remember that mosquitoes are the most dangerous animal on earth, so don't hesitate to take precautions. You may also want to protect your face with a hat and sunglasses.  These items will also do double-duty by protecting you from sunburn, too. 

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Living with a Dementia Patient: Understanding, Coping, and Caring

Most of us know, or will know, someone who suffers from dementia, whether it is our spouse, parents, or grandparents.  According to research from the University of California in Irvine, by the time we are 90 years old about 40% of us will have dementia.  At age 85, about 20% of us have it.  At age 80, about 10%.  If we live long enough, most of us will eventually either get dementia ourselves or live with someone who has it.  So, how can we or our family members handle this difficult period of time, without going completely crazy?  

Living with someone who has dementia is both challenging and emotional. Dementia is a broad term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. It includes various conditions, the most common of which is Alzheimer's disease although there are other types such as vascular dementia and Parkinson's dementia. Caring for a loved one with dementia is paved with emotional stress, adjustments in daily living, and the need to understand the illness itself.  Since both my husband and my mother had dementia in the years before they died, I'll try to shed some light on the experience of living with someone with dementia and offer a few insights into understanding, coping, and caring for a loved one with this condition.

You are almost certain to want more information after you read this brief article.  I highly recommend you use this Amazon link to check out: "The Dementia Caregiver's Survival Guide." (Ad). It has a 5-Star rating and you will find yourself referring to it over and over again. 

Understanding Dementia

Dementia is not a specific disease, but rather a general term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that around 50 million people worldwide have dementia, with nearly 10 million new cases every year. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60-70% of cases. Understanding dementia begins with recognizing its symptoms, which can vary greatly, but the symptoms commonly include:

Memory loss that disrupts daily life (such as getting lost, forgetting how to do things)

Challenges in planning or solving problems (like paying bills or planning trips)

Difficulty completing familiar tasks (cannot following recipes)

Confusion with time or place

Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships

New problems with words in speaking or writing

Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace your steps

Decreased or poor judgment (making unnecessary purchases or falling for scams)

Withdrawal from work or social activities (isolating)

Changes in mood and personality (unusual bursts of anger)

As you can see, signs of dementia can begin to crop up years before people begin to stop recognizing their loved ones. When my husband began to develop dementia, memory loss was NOT the first or the most evident sign.  He recognized family members, although he forgot the names of some friends or when we had seen them last.  The symptom that was the most noticeable was that he began to lose the ability to use technology.  He constantly fretted that his cell phone was broken, that "Google changed his computer" overnight, and he even began to have trouble using the remote control on our TV.  Later, he began to show signs of "poor judgment," including opening credit card accounts which I did not know about until after his death.  He also came very close to becoming a scam victim several times.  Fortunately, I was able to prevent him from acting on the scam calls he received.  I had to be careful constantly, and try to stay aware of everything he was doing. 

On the other hand, my mother became a "wanderer" when she developed dementia. She would leave my sister's home, where she lived, and wander to the homes of neighbors, who would call my sister.  She also lost the ability to pay bills and handle money.  Like my husband, my mother knew who everyone was in the family. It's important that you do not wait for a family member to forget your name before you recognize their developing dementia.

If someone in your family begins to show these types of signs, or any of the others, it is important that family members watch to make sure they are not doing anything which could cause them harm, either physically or financially. 

At the end of this article is a list of resources which you can use to read more about dementia so you can understand it even better.  Understanding it helps, although we still need to learn how to cope with the impact of it on our own lives, as caregivers.  Many times, the caregivers for someone with dementia will die before the patient who has dementia.  It is a very stressful life for the caregivers.

Coping with the Emotional Impact

Living with someone with dementia can take an emotional toll on the family members and caregivers. Feelings of grief, loss, frustration, and guilt are common. The gradual decline of a loved one's cognitive abilities is a source of grief and mourning for caregivers, even while their loved one is still alive. This is often referred to as "living grief, " where the person is still alive, but you grieve for the loss of the person they once were.  I know that I experienced this as I watched my bright, successful husband decline to the point where he could not even use a television remote control.

Coping strategies may include joining a dementia support group, counseling, and engaging in self-care practices. Education about the disease is crucial, as it helps in understanding the reasons behind behavioral changes and how to respond to them effectively. You need to remind yourself daily that they are not intentionally creating problems for you. The Alzheimer's Association provides resources and support for those navigating this journey.

Providing Care

Caring for someone with dementia requires patience, flexibility, and an understanding of the person's needs, which will change as the disease progresses. The care approach should be centered on respect, empathy, and maintaining the dignity of the person with dementia. Key aspects of care include:

Creating a Safe Environment: This may involve making modifications to the living space to prevent falls (especially if they have Parkinson's Dementia or similar disorders), ensuring safety in the kitchen, and installing locks on doors to prevent wandering.  You also need to make sure that you check after they do anything. You will want to be sure they have closed the refrigerator door, not left water running or turned on an appliance or the burner on a stove.  I constantly turned off appliances and closed doors after my husband used appliances, even when he was in the early stages of dementia, and I did not yet understand what was going on.

Establishing a Routine: People with dementia benefit from having a daily routine, which helps to reduce confusion and provides a sense of security.  Even in the early stages of dementia, a routine is helpful so they know when to expect things to happen.  Write things on a calendar and remind them of important appointments.  This was something that I practiced daily.  When he could no longer use the calendar on his phone, I kept a large wall calendar and wrote down appointments and other events on it.  We put a big X on each day after it was finished. 

Communication: Use simple words and sentences, maintain eye contact, and be patient in waiting for your loved one's response. Nonverbal cues and body language are also important in communication [5]. You need to make sure they are paying attention when you tell them something important, especially in the early stages.  Many people with dementia do not realize they have it, and they still try to do things for themselves.  It is important that you have their attention when you want to tell them something important, such as when they have a medical appointment, or when visitors are expected.  Do not be surprised if you have to repeat things often.  I know that I did. 

Activity Engagement: Engaging the person in activities that they enjoy and are able to do can enhance their quality of life and reduce behavioral issues. Tailor activities to match the person's interests and abilities.  Whether they enjoy crossword puzzles, crafts, or doing things on a computer, encourage them to stay busy and active, even if they need a little assistance from time to time.  Things they have done for a long time in the past are likely to be easier for them.  For example, some dementia patients can continue to play bridge and other complicated games for a long time, even when they have problems in other aspects of their life.  I was fortunate to have a caregiver for my husband three mornings a week.  He would drive my husband out to his favorite coffee shop, take him shopping, and sometimes just take him for a drive along the coast, which delighted my husband. 

Healthcare Management: This includes managing medications, attending doctor's appointments, and monitoring for any new or worsening symptoms.  Today, many doctor's appointments can be handled with a video call, which will make it easier for everyone, so you do not always have to take the dementia patient to the doctor's office.  See if you can schedule some of your family member's appointments so they are handled with a video call. This was life saving for me!


Living with and caring for someone with dementia is a profoundly life-changing experience that requires compassion, support and a lot of hard work.  Remember, it's also important to take care of yourself. Seek support from community resources, healthcare professionals, and support groups.  Accept any help that is offered.  You need breaks, too!

Don't forget to learn more after you read this brief article.  I highly recommend you use this Amazon link to check out: "The Dementia Caregiver's Survival Guide." (Ad). It has a 5-Star rating and you will find yourself referring to it over and over again. 

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us.  You will receive a twice-monthly email with the most current post. 

If you are interested in learning more about retirement, Medicare, Social Security, common medical issues as we age, financial planning, where to retire and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase from an Amazon ad, I'll make a small commission to support this blog, at no extra cost to you.

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Photo credit: Pixabay, 


World Health Organization. (2023). Dementia. 

Alzheimer's Association. (2023). What Is Dementia? 

Boss, P. (2006). Loss, Trauma, and Resilience: Therapeutic Work With Ambiguous Loss. W.W. Norton & Company.

Alzheimer's Association. (2023). Support & Care. 

National Institute on Aging. (2023). Caring for a Person With Alzheimer's Disease. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Most Seniors Have Heart Disease - How to Reduce the Risk to Your Life

Heart Attacks Can Happen without Warning! 

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, affecting millions of individuals each year.  In fact, if you are over the age of 60, there is greater than a 75% chance that you have some type of cardiovascular disease.  If you are over age 80, the risk is 90%.  Nearly 700,000 Americans died of cardiovascular disease in 2021 ... or about one out of five deaths.  Despite decades of research into heart disease, it still remains the leading cause of death in the U.S.

The good news is that many heart disease cases can be managed through lifestyle changes and proactive measures. By taking control of our health and adopting healthier habits, we can significantly reduce the risk of dying from heart disease and improve our overall well-being. Below is a list of proven ways to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Adopt a Balanced Diet

A heart-healthy diet is the foundation of cardiovascular health. Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals while limiting saturated fats, trans fats, and processed foods. Consider the Mediterranean diet, which has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease due to its emphasis on olive oil, nuts, fish, and fresh produce.

If you are new to the Mediterranean diet, you might enjoy using this Amazon link to read about "The 5 Ingredients Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners." (Ad) Most of these simple recipes only require five delicious ingredients, and it's a great introduction to the Mediterranean Diet. 

Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Activities like walking, cycling, swimming, and dancing can all contribute to a stronger cardiovascular system and improved overall health.

Manage Stress

Chronic stress can negatively impact heart health. Implement stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature. Prioritize self-care and take breaks when needed to maintain a healthy balance in your life.

One way to reduce your stress is by taking long walks in nature.  Another way is to learn to remind yourself to live "One Day at a Time."  

We often become stressed when we spend too much time focusing on past mistakes, or worrying about future potential problems.  By living one day at a time, we eliminate a common cause of stress.

Get Quality Sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in heart health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Poor sleep patterns have been linked to an increased risk of hypertension and other heart-related issues. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality.  If you are not able to get enough sleep on your own, or you are tired again soon after you wake up in the morning, discuss these issues with your doctor.  They may be able to do a sleep study and help you find ways to improve the quality of your sleep. 

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for heart disease. If you smoke, seek support and resources to quit. The benefits of quitting smoking are almost immediate, as your heart health will start to improve within days of giving up this harmful habit.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

While moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with certain health benefits, excessive drinking can lead to heart problems. If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation – up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.  

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity is a major risk factor for heart disease. By adopting a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise, you can maintain a healthy weight or work towards achieving it. Even a modest weight loss can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and related conditions.

Regular Health Checkups

Regular checkups with your healthcare provider are essential for monitoring your heart health. They can identify potential risk factors and recommend appropriate actions to maintain a healthy heart. Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar should be regularly monitored, especially if you have a family history of heart disease.

Once your primary care doctor or cardiologist is monitoring your heart, follow their advice.  They may want you to take blood pressure medication, a statin to lower your cholesterol, or put you on a special diet.  If you have AFib, they could also suggest a pacemaker or medications.  They may discover that you need to have a blockage cleared from an artery, and have a surgeon insert a stent to keep the artery open.  There could be other procedures which they feel you need.  Whatever they recommend, their suggestions are designed to help prolong your life and keep you as comfortable and active as possible.  

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is crucial for heart health. Drinking enough water helps maintain blood volume and prevents your heart from working harder than necessary. Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water daily, or more if you are physically active or live in a hot climate.

Engage in Social Activities

Social isolation and loneliness can have adverse effects on heart health. Stay connected with friends, family, and community to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Engaging in social activities and nurturing meaningful relationships can positively impact heart health.

Reducing the risk of heart disease requires a holistic approach that involves adopting healthier habits and making positive lifestyle changes. By following the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can take significant steps towards improving your heart health and overall quality of life.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cohabitating with a Friend or Lover? How to Have a Better Roommate Experience!

There are a number of reasons why an adult may decide to have a roommate or romantic partner move in with them. They may be in love and want to share their life with someone.  They may be worried about how to pay their monthly bills, especially after the loss of a spouse due to divorce or death. They might not wish to live alone, or wonder if they will be able to afford their house payments, rent, homeowner's association dues, utilities and other expenses on a single income.  Financial reasons, such as the risk of losing alimony or Social Security payments, may prevent them from deciding to get married, but they would still like to have a companion and the financial security of having someone to carry part of the financial burden.

House sharing has become a popular option among Baby Boomers and older retirees, particularly women.  According to AARP, approximately four million women over the age of 50 live in a home with at least one other woman in the same age group.  In 2010, it was estimated that 2.75 million senior couples were cohabitating, or living together in a romantic relationship without being married.  Regardless of why you are living with another adult, there are many advantages to the arrangement, and certain pitfalls you will want to avoid. 

Before we get into specifics, you may want to consider purchasing the book "Roommate Agreement: Designed to Assist You with Roommate Agreements to Make Life more Manageable." (Amazon link)  They describe it this way: "A Roommate Agreement journal is a place to record and keep track of the terms and conditions agreed upon by all roommates, as well as any updates or changes to the agreement. By regularly reviewing and updating the journal, roommates can ensure that their living arrangement is harmonious and fair for everyone involved." 

Of course, simply having a form to follow is not enough.  You also need to think about the specific things you want to be sure to include in your agreement.  

Advantages of Senior Roommates

When people decide to enter a house sharing arrangement, they can both benefit in several ways. It's important to keep these advantages in mind as you put your agreement in writing.

*  Financially, people supporting themselves on fixed incomes can live more comfortably if they share the cost of housing, utilities and other expenses.

*  The added security of having another person in the home can be one more advantage of having a roommate.  I know of a fireman who is frequently away from his home for days at a time when he is on duty.  As a result, he invited a police officer who works a regular schedule to be his roommate.  It helped them both out financially, and provided extra security when the fireman was on duty.

*  Socialization is an additional reason for finding a roommate.  It is easy for people to become isolated, lonely and depressed as they age.  People who live with an amicable friend or romantic partner will always have someone to talk to, eat with, and do other things with each other ... such as attending movies or traveling.

Is Having a Roommate Right for You?

Not everyone actually wants to have a another person living with them all the time.  You need to know yourself, and evaluate the home you will be sharing.  Will you have enough personal, private space?  Are you flexible?  Do you have a lot of allergies, health problems or food preferences which could make it difficult for you to live with other people? Before you even consider inviting another person into your home, you need to see if you, and they, are suitable for sharing a home.

What Guidelines Need to be Put in Writing?

If you are planning to live with another person, it may go better if the two of you put your expectations in writing and discuss them first.  Below are some issues your agreement may need to cover:

*  Decide in advance specifically how the expenses will be shared.  Will one person be the landlord and the other the tenant, or will everything be split right down the middle?  If that is the case, make sure you list all the expenses involved in living in the home, including utilities, insurance, homeowner's dues, taxes, lawn mowing, a house cleaner, etc. 

*  If this is a landlord / tenant agreement, you should order  "Room Rental Lease Agreement Forms Book," (Amazon link) so you can put your lease in writing. Many people rent out a room in their home, and they need a formal agreement to make that a successful arrangement which spells out the expectations. 

*  If this is a roommate situation, decide who will perform which household tasks and how often ... cleaning, cooking, dishes, yard work, pet care, etc.  If you plan to hire someone to handle some of those chores, reach an agreement on how that cost will be shared. 

*  Decide if the two of you are going to cook and eat together or if you will each be responsible for your own meals, purchasing your own food, preparing it, and cleaning up afterwards.

*  Reach an agreement about pets ... if they are allowed, what kind, how large, where they will be kept, etc.

*  Discuss adult children and grandchildren with each other.  You need to agree in advance whether or not they will be allowed to spend the night, how often, where they will sleep, and any concerns which either of you have.  I have known of couples who grew irritated when the adult children seemed to be around too often, walked into the home without calling in advance, helped themselves to food in the refrigerator, etc.  These familiarities should be dealt with before someone moves into a friend's home.

*  Discuss the same issues which could arise with friends and occasional visitors. Will they will be allowed to spend the night? How often will friends be able to just "hang out."  How often can each of you plan to entertain your friends in a book club, bridge group, or other social circle? If you do not want to be friends will all of your roommate's friends, you need to discuss that in advance.

*  If you are two casual friends who are living together, and not a romantic couple, be sure to discuss dating and whether your dates will be allowed to come for dinner, hang out in the home, or spend the night.  This could become very awkward.

*  Your agreement should cover personal habits such as smoking, drinking, drug use or any other behaviors which someone else might consider offensive.  Even allergies, such as an allergy to candles, perfumes, or certain products, should be discussed in advance.

*  If either of you have strong religious or political opinions which could be the source of arguments, you should consider whether that could be a problem if you decide to live with this person.  Be sure that neither person believes that eventually "the other person can be persuaded to change their opinions." 

*  Discuss other expectations you both may have such as entertaining friends, relying on each other to do the shopping, what time the house should be quiet, using earphones to watch TV, when you could each practice playing your musical instruments, etc.  If one person likes quiet and the other wants to play loud music or have frequent parties, will this cause friction?  If one person likes an evening cocktail, and the other person doesn't, will that be a problem?

*  Discuss healthcare preferences with each other, in the event of a medical emergency. You should know the name of each other's primary care doctor, the type of health insurance they have, medical conditions, etc.  Also make sure you both have contact information for relatives, employers, lawyers or other people who would need to be contacted in the event of an accident, death or serious illness.

* Decisions need to be made in advance regarding what will happen if one of the housemates becomes too ill or weak to continue to participate in an independent living arrangement.  If you are co-owners or both on a lease and one of the parties must enter a nursing home, what will happen? What is everyone's "Plan B?"

* Both parties need to have a clear will and trust, especially if this is a romantic relationship.  Both people need to know if any provisions will be made for them if one of the parties dies.  If you are the owner of a property, and have a romantic partner living with you, do you want that person to be able to remain in the home if you die first?  Do you want to make any other financial provisions for them?  This should be worked out long before the need arises, and adult children should be informed about whatever you decide, so they are prepared to go along with that decision. 

As you can see, there are a large number of issues to consider before you decide if you and another person should live together.  Everything should be put in writing after you have talked about it.  This will reduce confusion about what you both agreed to.  This will also make it easier for your adult children to know your plans.

House Sharing Websites

If you are interested in senior shared housing, you will want to do additional research.  Here are a few websites which can help you locate roommates.  I have not used any of them myself in order to find a roommate, but these are the sites which were specifically mentioned by AARP in an article:

In addition, if you are considering a home sharing arrangement with strangers or casual acquaintances, I strongly suggest that you proceed extremely cautiously, ask for personal references and get a background check.  You want to have as much information as possible about the people with whom you will be sharing a home.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

TIA Ministrokes Can Lead to a Major Stroke! Pay Attention to the Symptoms

Three years before he died, my husband had a major stroke while playing golf.  He was rushed to the hospital, treated quickly, and had minimal lasting effects from it.  However, we did not realize at the time that this would be the beginning of many more such events. Over the next few years, he suffered through a number of mini-strokes or TIAs.  In his case, they often took the form of losing his vision in one eye for a few minutes.  Because of other medical problems he had, the doctors were limited in the ways they could treat him, and they could not put him on blood thinners. After one of his mini-strokes, a year after that first major one, a surgeon cleared out his right carotid artery, although that was a dangerous surgery for my husband.

Meanwhile, all we could do was keep track of his blood pressure, limit the salt in his diet, and try to minimize the frequency of these mini-strokes.  We also attempted to learn everything we could about these small strokes.

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), often referred to as a "ministroke," is a medical condition that demands immediate attention and understanding. While it may seem less severe than a full-blown stroke, TIAs should not be taken lightly. Let's explore what a TIA is, its symptoms, causes, and available treatments.

What is a TIA (Ministroke)?

A Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), commonly called a "ministroke," occurs when there is a temporary disruption of blood flow to a part of the brain. Unlike a full-blown stroke, which frequently causes permanent brain damage, a TIA usually resolves itself within minutes to hours, leaving no lasting damage. Sometimes, people do not even realize they have had one. However, it is essential to recognize them, as they can often be a warning that a more severe stroke may be imminent.  Looking back, I have often wondered if we missed the signs of mini-strokes which might have occurred before my husband's major stroke.  He often complained of headaches, visions problems, and vertigo.  Could that have been the beginning?  I'll never know.

Symptoms of TIA

The symptoms of a TIA are similar to those of a stroke but are temporary and typically last for a short period, usually less than 24 hours. Common TIA symptoms include:

Sudden Weakness or Numbness: This may affect the face, arm, or leg, often on one side of the body.

Difficulty Speaking or Understanding Speech: TIAs can cause slurred speech or difficulty in finding the right words.

Loss of Coordination or Balance: Patients may experience unsteadiness or difficulty in walking.

Vision Problems: Blurred or double vision, sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes, or difficulty seeing clearly may occur.

Severe Headache: A sudden, severe headache might develop in some cases.

My husband suffered from all four of the above symptoms, and they would happen suddenly, without warning.  Often they happened when we were simply relaxing, watching television together.  At other times, they happened when he was pushing himself to use his walker to get into a doctor's office.  Those events sometimes caused him to fall. 

If someone you love has had a stroke, there are ways you can help with their recovery.  To learn how, please read the book "Hope After Stroke."  It could improve their life ... and yours! (Ad)

Causes of TIA

The root cause of a TIA is a temporary disruption in blood flow to the brain, usually caused by one of the following factors:

Atherosclerosis: The buildup of fatty deposits (plaques) in the arteries can lead to narrowing or blockage of blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the brain. This is what they believed was causing the mini-strokes which my husband experienced. 

Blood Clots: A blood clot can form and temporarily block an artery in the brain.

Emboli: Small clots or debris from elsewhere in the body can travel to the brain and block a blood vessel.

Vasospasm: Spasms in blood vessels can constrict and temporarily reduce blood flow to the brain.

Cardiovascular Conditions: Conditions like atrial fibrillation, heart valve disorders, and heart infections can increase the risk of blood clots, which can lead to TIAs.

If you think you or your loved one is at risk of a stroke, read the book "You Can Prevent a Stroke." (Ad) You want to do everything you can to prevent them.  A stroke not only makes life more difficult for the patient, but also for their caregivers.

Treatment and Prevention

Prompt medical attention is crucial when experiencing any type of stroke symptoms, including TIA symptoms. Even though the symptoms may resolve on their own, the underlying causes need to be addressed to prevent a full-blown stroke. Treatment options include:

Medications: Doctors may prescribe anti-platelet drugs (e.g., aspirin) or anticoagulants (blood thinners) to reduce the risk of blood clots.

Surgery: In some cases, surgical procedures such as carotid endarterectomy (to remove plaque from the carotid artery) or angioplasty (to open narrowed arteries) may be recommended.

Lifestyle Changes: 

Patients are often advised to make lifestyle changes such quitting smoking, adopting a heart-healthy diet, exercising regularly, and managing conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Medication for Underlying Conditions: Treating underlying conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol can help reduce the risk of future TIAs.


While TIA symptoms may be temporary, they should not be ignored. TIAs serve as crucial warning signs for potential future strokes, which can be debilitating or fatal. Seeking immediate medical attention, understanding the underlying causes, and adopting preventive measures can greatly reduce the risk of experiencing a full-blown stroke. In the face of TIA symptoms, quick action can make all the difference in preserving your health and well-being.  

Check out the sources at the end of this article to learn more about ministrokes.  In addition, talk to your health care provider about any symptoms you may have, no matter how minor they may be.

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Photo sources:  Pixabay, 

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Mayo Clinic: The Mayo Clinic website provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on TIA symptoms, causes, and treatment. You can find information at

American Stroke Association: The American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, offers valuable resources on strokes and TIAs. Visit their website at

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS): NINDS, a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), provides detailed information on TIAs and related research. You can explore their content at

WebMD: WebMD is a reputable health information website that covers a wide range of medical topics, including TIAs. Their page on TIAs can be found here.

You Can Also Learn More from Your Healthcare Provider: Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional or neurologist for personalized information and guidance regarding your specific health condition and any recent developments in the field of stroke and TIA management.

Please verify the most current information from these sources or consult with a healthcare provider for the latest updates on TIA symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

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Photo credits:  Amazon and Etsy