Friday, March 15, 2024

How to Research Health Symptoms and Treatments

You may want to research a knee replacement
or other medical problem you have.

Whenever our doctors tell my husband or me about a new health problem, the first thing we do is ask the doctor to give us as much information about it as possible. However, in a short office visit, we are limited in the amount of time they can spend with us, and we do not always remember everything they tell us.  Occasionally, they will have a brochure which contains additional information.  

In most cases, we leave the doctor's office unsatisfied with what we have learned.  That's when we turn to the internet.  Unfortunately, the internet is full of both correct and incorrect information about nearly every health condition imaginable.  Relying solely on the internet is a little like relying solely on your GPS, and ending up driving into a river or lake.  Sometimes the information you get on the internet is wrong, and it can even kill you!

Finding Reputable Medical Sources

The AARP Bulletin in May, 2020 listed several sources that are reliable and based on documented research and medical standards.  These include:

National Institute on Aging at

American Geriatric Society at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

National Institutes of Health at

American Academy of Family Physicians at

Mayo Clinic at

I have also found it useful to use the website from the hospital or doctor's practice in my HMO.  This is especially important if I want to know what to expect when they treat my illness.  This is where I can find answers to questions such as the types of treatment I can expect, how long the treatment will take, and the normal length of hospital stays and physical therapy.  At the very least, the sites are a good place to start when asking specific questions of my doctor. 

In addition to the other sites mentioned above, I also like to review medical information at:

WebMD at

The Cleveland Clinic at

You will also want to check the information on the national organizations for your particular health problem, such as the National Kidney Foundation or the American Heart Association.  These websites often contain the most current information about their particular health topic, including recently approved medications.

When You Should Be Skeptical of So-Called Medical Sites

When it comes to researching health symptoms and treatments, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to understand that not all sources of information are created equal. Some sources may be more reliable and trustworthy than others, and it's crucial to be able to differentiate between the two.

If you type the name of your illness or your symptoms into a search engine, the top searches will be for sponsored or advertised sites.  The companies have paid large amounts of money to be placed at the top of your search page.  They may represent an advocacy group which is pushing a particular agenda.  They may be promoting products or treatments which are dangerous, risky or not backed by scientific research.  It is far better to rely on trustworthy sources and avoid these questionable sites.

Another factor to consider is the funding source of the research. Some studies may be funded by companies or organizations with a vested interest in the outcome, which could bias the results. It's important to be aware of any potential conflicts of interest and to look for studies which are independently funded.

How to Find Trustworthy Medical Sites

One of the most important things you can do when researching health symptoms and treatments is to consult reputable sources of information. This might include medical journals, academic studies, and professional medical organizations. These sources are likely to provide accurate, up-to-date information on the latest research and best practices in the field.

Not all websites or articles are created equal, and some may contain misleading or false information. When evaluating a source, consider the author's credentials, the date of publication, and whether the information is based on scientific evidence.

One of the best places to start your research is with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH is the largest biomedical research agency in the world, and it is responsible for funding and conducting research on a wide range of health topics. Their website, PubMed, is a database of more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature, making it an excellent resource for finding scholarly articles and studies on various health conditions and treatments. PubMed is a free resource and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

Another great resource is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC is a national public health institute that is dedicated to protecting and promoting public health in the United States. Their website is a wealth of information on a variety of health topics, including infectious diseases, chronic conditions, and injury prevention. The CDC also provides guidance on vaccines, screenings, and other preventive measures.

What Medical Treatment is Right for You?

When researching health symptoms and treatments, it's important to keep in mind that not all treatments will work for everyone. The effectiveness of a treatment can depend on a variety of factors, including the individual's age, overall health, and medical history. It's also important to note that some treatments may have side effects or risks, which should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

The "miracle" drug or treatment you read about online might not work for you.  Nearly all drugs and treatments have side effects, and your other medical problems may cause them to be too dangerous for you.  The older you are, the more likely this is to be true.  

Your Doctor is an Excellent Resource

Finally, after getting a diagnosis and doing your research, reach out to your doctor.  Make a list of questions you have and get answers from the person who will actually be treating you for your health problem.  Sample questions might include:

How will my condition be treated?
If that treatment doesn't work, what others might be tried?
Should I consider applying to be in a trial?
Is there a reason why alternative treatments are not being considered?
What can I do to improve my outcome ... diet, supplements, exercise programs, etc?

By the time you have done your research and received answers to you questions, you should have a good idea what to expect in the coming weeks and months while dealing with a new health diagnosis.

Sometimes, no matter what you learn and how much information you get, you are still frustrated with your health problems.  It is OK to feel disappointed when you think your body has let you down.  

Try to fight back with a positive attitude.  Get counseling if necessary.  Sign up for meditation or yoga classes.  Practice deep breathing.  All these things will help you get through the hard days.

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us.  You will receive one occasional email containing the most current post. 

If you are interested in learning more about financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, where to retire, common medical issues as you age, travel and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase from an Amazon ad, I'll make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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Photo credits: Knee x-ray and the author's Etsy store.


National Institutes of Health. (2021). PubMed.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). About CDC.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2021). Finding and Evaluating Online Resources.

AARP Bulletin, May 2023, "Health research Safety Tips"

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Free e-Books for Everyone Who Love to Read


Thousands of books are available as free e-books
Do you love to read, but cannot afford to constantly buy new books?  Did you know that there are ways to satisfy your needs with all the free e-books you could possibly read, including new releases, best sellers, romance novels, and classics? The list below should help you find quality books which you will enjoy reading.

Sign Up at Your Local Library

Most public libraries today are a great source of all types of free reading material.  Of course, there are the traditional books you can check out and enjoy.  However, many of them also will arrange for you to check out e-books which you can read on your own tablet or phone.  Your local librarian can show you how to download them.  This is especially useful for people who are home-bound and find it hard to make frequent in-person trips to the library.  You can sit at home, browse through the selection available from your library system, and download the ones you want to read, including many best sellers which are "hot off the press."

Romance Novels

Many people love to read a great romance novel, but cannot afford the cost of constantly buying new ones. The best place to find free copies of this type of e-book is:

Once a week, Harlequin posts chapters of their new books.  You can open a free account on your computer, or download the free Book Breaks app on your tablet or phone.  The site will even ask you what type of "mood" you are looking for in a novel, to help you narrow your search.

Classic Books

Older books with expired copyrights are in the public domain.  Project Gutenberg has digitized many of these books and you can download them to your computer, tablet or phone in HTML format.  Check out their list of the the Top 100 eBooks at:

However, do not limit yourself to the most popular ones. They have a library of over 70,000 books including titles like Moby Dick, Little Women, the Complete Works of Shakespeare, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the Kama Sutra, Jane Eyre, Peter Pan and thousands more!  So, if you missed reading a classic, or want to re-read a favorite, this is a good way to read them for free!

History Books and Other Reading Materials

Do you love reading rare and hard to obtain books from the past?  You do not have to go to Washington, DC to see what is available from the Library of Congress.  Browse through their catalogue at:

There is simply no way of telling what unusual works you may be able to download and read, including old newspapers.

Free Newly Released Books

Want to be among the first to discover a new title or author?  If you are already a member of Amazon Prime, be sure to sign up for Amazon Prime Reads.  It is a wonderful perk that comes with your Amazon Prime membership.  Every month, Amazon will send you an email with a selection of free books.  You can download one or two of them to your Kindle or Kindle app on your phone or tablet.  That means you will have a steady stream of new books every month for you to enjoy.  Sign up at: (Ad)

If you don't belong to Amazon Prime, another good source of newly released books is the Goodreads Free Shelves site.  They let you preview free e-books and excerpts.  You can find them at:

Audio Books

Do you enjoy listening to books instead of reading?  Go to your local library and see if they offer that option, in addition to allowing you to download free e-books.  Many people have discovered the joy of listening to novels, instead of reading them, and many library systems are now making that option available at no cost to their members, too.  They will also teach you how to do it, and provide you with written instructions.  Listening to books is particularly delightful for people with limited vision.  There is no reason for them to give up enjoying books.

No matter where you live, how limited your finances, or how difficult it is for you to get out of the house, there is no reason why you should have to give up enjoying your favorite books.  There are a wide variety of ways for you to access an almost limitless supply of high quality books for free!

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us.  You will receive one weekly email containing the most current post. 

If you are interested in learning more about financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, where to retire, common medical issues as you age, travel and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase from an Amazon ad, I'll make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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Photo credits: Pixabay images and 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Favorite Gifts for Senior Citizens and People of All Ages


When I was a young woman, and my parents and grandparents were still alive, I could never figure out what to give them for holidays and special occasions.  "Not another sweater," they would say to me.  "We do not need more coffee mugs," they commented on another occasion.  So, I knew what they did not want, but had no idea what kind of gifts they did want.  

Now that I am retired myself, with a house full of more things than I really need, I understand why my parents and grandparents did not want more sweaters and coffee mugs as they aged.  I also know what types of items I am more likely to purchase for myself, my friends, and my relatives who are near my age.  I have a much better idea what they will like, and decided to share some ideas.  There are so many gift-giving opportunities during the year, and most of us struggle with deciding what to give someone else, especially if they seem to already have everything they need!  I've included Amazon links (Ad) for all of them, but you can easily find them in person or online at other shops, too.  

Food Baskets and Gifts

Most senior citizens enjoy food gifts for two reasons.  First of all, food is something which can be consumed and there is nothing left to store.  It will not be stuck in a closet for the next five years.  Secondly, many senior citizens are on a fixed income.  Sending them food treats which they like, but may not want to splurge on for themselves, is a thoughtful gift.  Here are a couple of examples.

The Swiss Colony 27 Favorite Foods Gift Box (Ad) with Assorted Cheeses, Chocolates, Candies, Petits Fours, and Summer Sausage Meats from Amazon (Ad)

I recently sent this gift box to my 76 year old brother-in-law, who lives alone, and he loved it.  It was just what he needed to entertain a few of his friends during the holidays, without needing to dip into his own budget.  It was a nice treat for both him and his friends.

Broadway Basketeers Chocolate Gift Basket Tower  (Ad) from Amazon with Mint Chocolate Cookies, Cinnamon Yogurt Pretzels, Gourmet Popcorn, Snack Mix, Peanut Butter filled Pretzel Nuggets, Truffles and Lemon Blueberry Cookies.  This package is obviously for the person with a sweet tooth.  If they love cookies, chocolates, and other treats, this could be an ideal gift for them!  

You'll find a nice assortment of other food baskets if you search Amazon (Ad) and other online shops.  The advantage of ordering online is that you do not have to ship it yourself.  It makes like much simpler for you, and, if you have Amazon Prime, you can even get free shipping. At the current price of shipping, that can be a great deal for out-of-town family members.  

However, some elderly people have problems with certain types of food.  Perhaps they have to watch their sodium or their sugar.  They may have difficulty with nuts, soy or other types of food. As a result, you may decide to avoid purchasing a food basket for them.  What are some other favorite gifts for senior citizens?  Below are a few more gifts they are likely to love!

Practical Gifts for a Senior Citizen

Magnifying Glass with Light from JMH
on Amazon (Ad). Many people have trouble reading the fine print on labels, medicine bottles, and the instructions which come with a variety of products.  As a result, they are going to LOVE this magnifying glass. It is able to magnify up to 30 times the regular size.  It is a particularly popular item with people who want to enlarge what they are reading, as well as people who collect coins and stamps, make jewelry, or have other hobbies which require them to focus on something which can be very tiny. 

This is a gift which could help end their frustration and solve a huge problem for many seniors who have given up reading or pursuing their favorite hobbies because of the difficulty they have seeing the work.  Help keep them active and involved with a simple gift of clearer vision!

Higher Torque Electric Jar Opener
on Amazon (Ad) can help you easily unscrew almost any jar.  It is promoted as a product for people with arthritis.  However, almost all seniors have weaker hands as they age.  I have even heard of seniors who had so much trouble opening jars that they gave up eating some of their favorite foods.  That is such a shame, and with this jar opener, there should be no reason for anyone to fear purchasing a favorite food that comes in a jar.  

It will open any jar between 1.2 and 3.5 inches.  Just fit the jar opener over the lid, push the button, and it will automatically turn the lid so you can easily open it.  You do not have to press down on it, and it will not cause you to have palm pain.  What a thoughtful gift for a senior in your family!

Mini Exercise Bike from Himalay
on Amazon (Ad) is a gift I purchased for myself, after knee replacement surgery.  The surgeon and my physical therapist both encouraged me to use a stationary bicycle in order to move my knee into various positions after the surgery, straightening and bending it repeatedly.  However, I did not have a stationary bike at home, and was not supposed to drive for a few weeks after the surgery, making it difficult for me to get to the gym.  

This Mini Exercise Bike solved my problem.  I sit in a chair at home and use it.  The constant bending and straightening of my knee for 10 to 30 minutes a day was very helpful in improving the range of motion in my knee.  In addition, it enables me to get exercise, even during those times when I cannot get outside and walk very much.  Although my knee has now healed, this mini exercise bike is something I continue to use at home when the weather is bad and I do not want to go outside or drive somewhere to exercise.  It has been an excellent way to keep me from becoming too sedentary. 

There are many others gifts which senior citizens will appreciate receiving from their loved ones.  These are helpful gifts which are designed to either be consumed (like the food baskets), or to make their lives better.  Getting old is hard, and having tools to make life easier are greatly appreciated. 

I will do another product article in about six months, with new gift ideas for seniors, so follow to get more ideas.

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us.  You will receive an email about twice a month with the most current post. 

If you are interested in learning more about saving money, financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, where to retire, common medical issues as you age, travel and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase from an Amazon ad, I'll make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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Photo credits:  Etsy Photo by Author; Pixabay for top photo; manufacturer sites for product photos

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

In-Home Care for the Seriously Ill - You May Qualify for More Help Than You Think

 The husband of a friend of mine died a few months ago. He was only on hospice for two days before he died.  Although they had paid for long-term care insurance for years, he did not take advantage of it during the months before he died, despite the fact that his death was not a total surprise.  He had metastatic melanoma, failing kidneys and COPD. He could only leave the home with assistance. He was often in pain. Unfortunately, during those last few months they did not hire a caregiver for him and his wife provided all his care, right up until he went into the hospital for the final time and then was brought home on hospice for the last two days of his life.  When the wife finally hired a caregiver, her husband died two days later.  They barely took advantage of the long-time care insurance they had paid for.

Since then, my friend and I have had several discussions about what she wished she had done differently. Number one on her list was that she wished she had gotten more help and more care for her husband at home in the months before he died.  Doing that might not have helped him live longer, but it might have made his quality of life better.

Of course, not everyone has a long-term care policy.  However, everyone deserves to have help in the final months of life, and every caregiver deserves to have some relief from taking care of everything alone. There are many ways you can get more help during the final months or years of your life.

Where to Find the Help You Need

You might qualify for Medicaid - Medicaid is the largest payer for nursing home care in the U.S. and, in many cases, they will also pay for an ill person to get part-time care at home, as needed.  You can find out if you qualify in your state by contacting your local Social Services or Medicare office.   You may be surprised at how much assistance they can give you, especially if you are on both Medicare and Medicaid at the same time.  

Ask your doctor about home healthcare, home palliative care, or home hospice - Even if you do not qualify for Medicaid, these other programs will allow you to have occasional visits from a home nurse and/or physical therapist, combined with video visits with your doctors.  For people who are dealing with debilitating chronic health conditions, it can make life much easier if you can avoid as many difficult trips to the doctor's office as possible.  

If you are initially turned down, do not be afraid to appeal.  My husband, who has kidney and heart failure, qualifies for home healthcare and gets many of his services at home.  Nurses and physical therapists come to work with him at home, give him shots, check his medications, and take his blood pressure and other vitals.  Most of his doctor visits are video visits.  It is a huge relief to me to not have to take him to the doctor's office for an in-person visit very often.

Arrange for meal and grocery deliveries at home - There are now many companies, in addition to Meals on Wheels, which can deliver nutritious meals to you several times a week. Our neighbors who receive Meals on Wheels also have the additional benefit of having someone who checks on them to make sure they are OK.

You can also order your groceries online.  Most large grocery chains offer that service. One of my favorite grocery delivery services is Amazon Fresh (Ad), which my husband and I have used since the beginning of the Covid pandemic.  I especially like the fact that they deliver heavy items right to my door, including groceries such as milk, bottles of juice, cases of sparkling water, soda, and laundry detergent. They also bring the bulky items like paper towels and toilet tissue.  As my husband's primary caregiver, having groceries delivered makes my life much easier.  I order from them about once every two to three weeks.  In between, I stop at the store just to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables, and anything I want on the spur of the moment.

Contact your local Senior Center for information about medical transportation and other services - Senior Centers are a wealth of information.  They can put you in touch with Meals on Wheels, medical transportation, and a variety of programs which will make it easier for you to remain at home, even if you are fighting a serious illness such as cancer or heart failure.  They also offer opportunities to socialize, which can be important to your mental and physical health.

If you have a long-term care policy, use it when you become eligible - You may qualify for your long-term care insurance policy, especially if your life expectancy has become short and your health has declined to the point that you are falling often, need help with showering and personal hygiene, and/or you have difficulty transferring from your bed to your walker or chair.  When this happens, you should initiate a claim on your long-term care policy.  Dementia can also qualify you, as well as being put on palliative care or hospice. You've been paying for this policy, so do not hesitate to use it when you are nearing the end of your life.

All the above programs make life easier for people during their final years.  Make sure you take advantage of any programs you qualify for.  Even getting just a little extra help can make a huge difference in the quality of your life.

Do as much shopping from home as possible - In addition to groceries, you can shop online at sites like Amazon (Ad), Etsy, WalMart, and many drug store chains for cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, clothing, gifts for your friends and family, or other products you might need.  This is an especially easy way to send gifts to your adult children and grandchildren.  Try to avoid as many stressful shopping trips as possible, unless you have someone to help you.  If you are ill yourself, or a caregiver for someone else, try to delegate routine chores as much as possible, so you do not have to handle everything for yourself. 

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us.  You will receive a twice-monthly email with the most current post. 

If you are interested in learning more about retirement, Medicare, Social Security, common medical issues as we age, financial planning, where to retire and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase from an Amazon ad, I'll make a small commission to support this blog, at no extra cost to you.

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Photo credit: rollator, etsy

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Retirement

My husband and I have been in 12 Step Recovery programs, Alcoholics Anonymous and Al Anon, for over 40 years, since we were both in our 30s.  As young adults, alcohol abuse was already having a bad effect on our marriage, and my husband realized he had to stop.  I realized that I had to change some aspects of my behavior, too.  Although we were still young adults, we knew that we were headed for disaster if we continued on the same path.

That was over 40 years ago, and we are so glad we made the joint decision to make some major changes in our lives, although it has not been easy.

One of the things we have noticed over the years is that more people show up at our AA and Alanon meetings each January, usually because people have over-indulged during the holidays.  Gradually, many of them leave, convinced that they either cannot stop drinking, or they cannot change their behavior in other ways.  

However, for those who stay in 12 step recovery programs, most of them have discovered that it has changed their lives for the better, and dramatically improved their relationships with their spouse, children and other friends and family members.  You are never too old to start changing your life, too.

The Covid pandemic caused millions of senior citizens to increase the amount of alcohol they drank.  Researchers at the University of Michigan discovered that about 14 percent of older Americans self-reported that they were drinking more.  Stuck at home, often spending large amounts of time by themselves, drinking became all too common.

Many adults between the ages of 50 and 80 reported that they sometimes drink at least three or more drinks at one time.  This is significantly more than the recommended limit of one small drink for women (about a half cup) and two small drinks for men (totaling about one cup of wine or two normal size beers) in a single day.  Many people have no idea the effect that large amounts of alcohol can have on them.

Seniors Don't Process Alcohol Well

The older we are, the less able we are to process alcohol, and doctors estimate that this biological change begins at around age 50.  This means that you are more likely to suffer from hangovers and other health problems when you overindulge. 

Your body has less muscle as you age, and because muscle stores more water than fat, you have less water in your body.  As a result, the alcohol you drink is not diluted by water as much as when you were in your twenties or thirties.  This means that if you are given a blood alcohol test by a police officer, you are more likely to have a high blood alcohol level after fewer drinks.  If you want to avoid those DUI tickets (and the huge expense), you need to seriously reduce the amount of alcohol you consume when you go out. 

The reduced muscle in your body is not the only cause of high blood alcohol levels.  In addition, your stomach and liver do not produce as much of an alcohol-digesting enzyme called ADH.  Since women have less ADH than men to start with, they have an even harder time eliminating the alcohol from their system as they age.

Most of Us Cannot Judge the Effect of Alcohol on Us

In some cases, we do not think we are drinking as much as we did 20 years ago, so we convince ourselves that we do not have a problem.  However, regardless of what we believe, we could be completely wrong.  Most of us have no idea how much alcohol is affecting our balance, our reflexes, our eyesight and our hearing.  

Because we have difficulty judging our own sobriety, we may be certain it is perfectly safe for us to drive, even when we are not capable of handling a car.  (By the way, the same is true when we take certain medications.  We may believe our faculties and reflexes are not affected, when they really are.)

Alcohol Dehydrates Us, and We May Already Be Dehydrated

Many older people do not drink enough water during the day, which leaves them slightly dehydrated.  Try pinching the skin on the back of your hand for a couple of seconds, and then let go. The longer it takes for the skin to fall back into place, the more dehydrated you are.  This is a common problem for senior citizens, even when we are sober.

Alcohol does not hydrate us. Instead, it increases the dehydration in our body.  Even though we may think that the beer or cocktail we are drinking is a liquid and would, therefore, help hydrate us, it really does the opposite.  Alcohol pulls water from our system, which is why you may experience a dry cottonmouth feeling the next morning.  

Notice how much more you urinate while you are drinking alcoholic beverages?  That urine is the water you are losing from your body. 

Too Much Alcohol Can Speed Up Brain Aging

As long as you stick to one drink for women and two for men in a day (and we're talking small drink sizes, not supersize ones), then most people are probably safe.  However, if you go beyond that amount, researchers have discovered that we lose volume in the frontal cortex of our brains.  In other words, our brain starts shrinking!

What does the frontal cortex do?  It helps us control our impulsive and compulsive behavior.  So, the more we drink, the more our frontal cortex shrinks.  This makes it harder to control our impulses, which causes us to drink more.  Our brain ages even faster.  It becomes a vicious cycle.  In addition, your brain volume does not come back when you stop drinking.  You may continue to be more impulsive and compulsive.  That is why going to alcohol rehabilitation or joining organizations like AA are so helpful.  They help people recognize and change any negative behaviors which may linger even after you are sober.

Alcohol Can Worsen Up to 200 Medical Conditions

We all know that alcohol can cause liver disease.  However, alcohol abuse can also worsen cancer, especially oral cancers.  It can raise your blood pressure (and you thought it would help you "relax.")  It increases your risk of having a stroke, worsens diabetes, and is unhealthy for anyone dealing with an immune system disorder.  Those are just the tip of the iceberg.  Alcohol can make almost any disease worse.

Excessive drinking also make it harder to get good quality sleep.  You may initially fall asleep, but then wake up just a few hours later when the alcohol wears off, which disrupts your rest for the remainder of the night.  

Try to Just Cut Back on Your Drinking

While a small amount of alcohol probably will not harm most people, and a little beer or wine may even help your heart, it is important not to push the limits, even occasionally.  Try cutting back or giving up alcohol for a while. If you feel healthier and generally better after a few weeks without alcohol, then this should tell you everything you need to know.  Keep it up!

If you discover that it is almost impossible for you to cut back, and you definitely cannot abstain on your own, talk to your doctor, consider going to rehab, or find a local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.  There are thousands of men and women who have gone through the same thing in every community, and they will be happy to help you.

Support Others When They Cut Back

One type of behavior which is common in problem drinkers is the tendency for them to push other people to drink excessively.  How often have we all heard people push us to drink "One more for the road!" (Are they kidding?  On the road is the last place you should be if you have been drinking!)

Instead, it is much more helpful to offer encouragement to people who are trying to cut back, or eliminate alcohol from their lives, and we should do whatever we can to help them stick with their program, whether they are trying AA or some other sobriety program.  If they belong to a 12 Step Recovery Group, like Alcoholics Anonymous, they need to be encouraged to stay with it.  

Whether you join AA, or Alanon (an organization to help the friends and families of problem drinkers deal with the problems that alcoholism causes) or you just want to encourage someone else, you may wish to send them a positive note or give them a gift to support their efforts and let them know how proud you are of their efforts. 

Help them celebrate events such as their sobriety birthdays or Alanon anniversaries.  You can give members of the AA program jewelry or t-shirts to help them celebrate. 

The important thing to remember is that we all benefit when we encourage and support our friends and loved ones as they try to to stick with a 12 Step sober recovery program, and any way you can do that is beneficial. 

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts by following us.  You will receive a twice-monthly email with the most current post. 

If you are interested in learning more about saving money, financial planning, Social Security, Medicare, where to retire, common medical issues as you age, travel and more, use the tabs or pull down menu at the top of the page to find links to hundreds of additional helpful articles.

Source:  Facts about alcohol and aging from the March 2022 AARP Bulletin.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase from an Amazon ad or my Etsy Shop, I'll make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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